TV Stranger Things

Every '80s Reference in Stranger Things You Absolutely Need to Know

Every '80s Reference in Stranger Things You Absolutely Need to Know
Image credit: Legion-Media, Netflix

When Stranger Things first premiered in 2016, the whole world was going crazy for all things 80's, and the Duffer Brothers' show perfectly captured the zeitgeist, becoming a poster child for the decade of greed, turning that cozy time in American suburban life into a golden era for millions.

And while the show's narrative was expertly written, fans became obsessed with the story of Eleven and her friends largely because of how perfectly it captured the atmosphere of the '80s, rife with little period details and references.

Here are 10 of the best '80s references in Stranger Things:

Yep, it looks like Duffers lifted quite a few storylines from the iconic 80's books and movies, but no one in their right mind can accuse them of plagiarism. After all, they simply used the 80's media as inspiration to create their own characters in an original and fitting way.

Moreover, by appealing to well-known 80's issues like Satanic Panic, the Duffers were able to immerse viewers in the vibe of the decade, creating an atmosphere so thick that fans felt like they were growing up in the 80's themselves.

With "Stranger Things" ending in the foreseeable future, fans are wondering if the Duffers will continue to explore the decade in future projects or venture into other eras for their next show.

Can they do for the 90s what they did for the 80s? Only time will tell.