Fans Pick Best-Looking Dragon in HoTD, And It Might Be Your Favorite

Now that the first season is out, the time has come for the most pressing issue.
The first season of House of the Dragon has showcased a total of ten dragons, and every single one of them was special and unique. We have Vhagar — the biggest and most fearsome living dragon in Westeros; we have snake-like Caraxes; golden girl Syrax; and little good boy Arrax.
But which of them was the single best? Fans seem to be ready to debate that right until season 2 comes out. Moreover, every fan has their own favorite dragon. However, at some point Redditors appear to agree that a certain winged beast managed to conquer everyone's hearts.
We're talking about Daemon Targaryen's snake-like dragon Caraxes, whom we have seen at the very beginning of the season, and who made a triumphant return in the final episode. With his signature long neck and impeccable understanding with his rider (something that other Targaryens should definitely take note of), Caraxes appears to be everyone's fav.
Despite the fact that every fire-breather in House of the Dragon boasts its own unique design, Caraxes does stand out with his appearance. Aside from his serpentine look, Daemon's dragon also has his own signature screech that comes out due to his deviated septum.
Besides, the Blood Wyrm seems to boast a similar vibe with his rider.
"I love that Caraxes always looks like he's game to dracarys anyone if Daemon wishes to," Redditor broke_bananas noted.
People describe Caraxes as "the most menacing dragon out there", even though he clearly is not the biggest one compared to Vhagar and Vermithor. Besides, they add, it really feels like Caraxes could be a real animal.
"For me Caraxes just feels the most "real", like a blend of puppetry/animatronic and CGI. I have no idea how any of the dragons were done (I assume all CGI) and plenty of them look great, but this Caraxes has such a visceral feel to the design. Maybe it helps that we've seen him during the day plenty and in full light," another Redditor argued.
Still, fans seem to love every single dragon in the show — even though Vhagar remains quite controversial given that she was the one who disobeyed Aemond and killed Arrax and his rider, Prince Lucerys.
There are more fire-breathers to come in the second season, which is due to start filming in 2023. However, the premiere date is yet to be announced by HBO.