Fans Think They Know Who Daniel Craig Might Play in Greta Gerwig’s Narnia

Fans Think They Know Who Daniel Craig Might Play in Greta Gerwig’s Narnia
Image credit: HarperCollins, Legion-Media

The actor is currently being eyed for one of the major roles in the upcoming franchise’s first movie.

Pieces slowly start coming together for Greta Gerwig’s future adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ beloved The Chronicles of Narnia book series, as it’s been revealed the director is considering another big star for the upcoming movie.

Announced several years ago, Gerwig’s franchise comprised only two movies that Barbie ’s director was supposed to helm, though things might have changed after Netflix was rumoured to expand the deal to five or six films at most.

It’s still not clear whether Gerwig will remain on board for the long-standing franchise, but her recent moves towards gathering an ensemble are proof that things are going forward for at least the first two movies anyway.

Naturally, the role the actor is being eyed for also remains a mystery, though Narnia’s fans already have their own guesses.

Daniel Craig Was Reportedly Offered a Major Role in Greta Gerwig’s Narnia

Fans Think They Know Who Daniel Craig Might Play in Greta Gerwig’s Narnia - image 1

Apparently, Netflix and Greta Gerwig are aiming at a star-studded cast for its future collaboration as, according to Deadline, the director is considering James Bond ’s star Daniel Craig for one of the key roles in the franchise’s first movie.

It’s also reported that Craig hasn’t accepted the offer yet, but is still holding it, which probably means he is likely to come on board for the future film after all; the role that the actor was offered to play hasn’t been officially revealed.

The casting update comes less than a week after Gerwig was rumoured to have reached out to Charli XCXm suggesting she portray the white witch, the character played by Tilda Swinton in the previous adaptation.

Things aren’t clear with the singer either, and fans have been concerned whether she would be able to handle the role, considering Charli XCX’s minor acting experience.

Narnia Fans Think They Found Out Which Role Might Have Been Offered to Daniel Craig

As the news came in, it was also reported that Gerwig’s first movie in the franchise might not be The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, as many expected.

In fact, What’s on Netflix then confirmed that the director will first helm The Magician’s Nephew, the series’ sixth book which serves as a prequel to the previous instalments and would make much sense coming first in the upcoming movie series.

Fans Think They Know Who Daniel Craig Might Play in Greta Gerwig’s Narnia - image 2

With that in mind, Narnia’s fans were quick to assume Craig is now being considered for Uncle Andrew’s role. In the book, Andrew is described as Digory Kirke’s morally ambiguous uncle and one of the main antagonists who “tricks Diagory’s friend into entering another world.”

“Before I clicked on the article I expected perhaps he was in consideration for the voice of Aslan. Uncle Andrew, I did not expect! That said, he'd be an interesting choice. I would have thought somebody more like Gary Oldman. But Daniel Craig is cool”, Redditor Independent-Gold-260 commented in a newly created thread.

Some others were also there to express their excitement, with TessTrue stating “As Andrew?! Now we’re talking!” and Tisroc447 saying “Now this would actually be a good casting”.

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