TV House of the Dragon HBO Max Game of Thrones Civil War

Final Rhaenyra Targaryen Scene Sent Shivers Down Fans' Spines

Final Rhaenyra Targaryen Scene Sent Shivers Down Fans' Spines
Image credit: HBO Max

Is someone going full Daenerys mode?

Warning: the following article contains spoilers for House of the Dragon episode 10

The House of the Dragon season finale was dramatic for almost every single character of the show, but no one was as traumatized in the episode as Rhaenyra Targaryen.

She had to deal with the fact that her teenage son, Lucerys Velarion, was basically killed in a dragon fight with his uncle Aemond Targaryen. The latter's dragon Vhagar just bit Lucerys and his dragon Arrax in half, and if there were any chances to avoid a bloodshed within the family before, those chances are definitely all gone now.

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The sight of Rhaenyra losing it and going from peace-seeking diplomat to grief-stricken warmonger actually sent chills down fans' spines.

"The last scene when Rhaenyra went from wanting peace and unity to being murderous and enraged because her son was killed for no fault of his (the sweetest little prince) was executed to perfection," Redditor artemisandherhunters said.

The fan also went on to ironically note "how easy it is to not go all mad queen will burn the city down because she's suddenly mad in the blink of an eye". This is, of course, a jab at the way Game of Thrones turned Rhaenyra's descendant, Daenerys Targaryen, into a mad lady who decided to burn everything all of a sudden and degraded into a villain "out of nowhere", as many fans believe.

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But Rhaenyra's case is different. That face in her final scene proved to everyone that she was in no mood to concede or seek peace anymore. Right now, as some fans noted, it's no longer an eye for an eye, but "a son for a son". However, some people noted that Rhaenyra could definitely show more emotion and actually do something.

"The moment, where the dam should have broken and she should have taken some action for all the things that happened in the episode, instead she becomes more passive because women don't start wars," Twitter user sekharraja13 said.

Still, everything points at season 2 will escalating into the actual Dance of the Dragons — the Targaryen civil war that did not end well for anyone involved.

HBO Max is yet to announce the premiere date for the second season.