Finally, a Good Explanation of How Breaking Bad's Gus Outsmarted Walter White

This question about Gus Fring plagued fans for years and it seems like we finally have an answer.
Gustavo Fring is a truly captivating protagonist. Gus hides his true emotions behind a composed facade, making him intriguing and mysterious. Giancarlo Esposito 's exceptional acting brings the character to life and adds to his appeal.
Gus's conflict with the show's protagonist, Walter White, reaches its highest point when Gus directly threatens to kill Walter's entire family including his infant daughter. This was the last straw for Walter to realize — it was either him or Gus.
To deal with Gus for good, Walter decides to assassinate him by planting the bomb in Gus' car. Unfortunately for Walter, it didn't work out as he planned, as Gus simply decided not to approach his car.
How could Gustavo know about the car bomb? That is the question that fans have been struggling to get an answer for.
For many, it seemed like a simple plot armor that Gus had because it wasn't time for him to go at that point.
However, a Breaking Bad fan shared a video on his YouTube channel, explaining how Gus avoided his demise (at least that time).
The theory doesn't involve Gus having some superpowers including seeing the future (if he did, he wouldn't die after all). Instead, the explanation seems legit as it relies on the facts that we know from the show.
First, it is important to remember that Gustavo Fring is a very sensible, prudent and excessively careful individual.
Bearing this in mind, we can assume that Gus could have figured out that something is wrong, maybe even on a subconscious level.
Gus couldn't possibly know about the bomb but some facts that he knew might have given him reasons to be suspicious. Remember how Walter manipulated Jessie to believe that Gus was the one to poison Brock?
So Gus, knowing that he definitely didn't poison the kid, could have assumed that this is a part of Walter's plan and that an assassination attempt may be his next step.
Gus realized that he got Walter in the corner, and in this situation he is capable of anything (remember how he got rid of Gus' best cook after Walter — Gale).
So, all of this information aligned in an intuitive awareness that the car may be his weak spot, which saved Gus his life.
Source: YouTube