'First Kill' Creative Team Bids Adieu to Series, Drives Fans to Tears

You'll never forget your first indeed.
To the shock and discontent of its many fans, Netflix 's teenage vampire drama 'First Kill' has been canceled after its first season despite massive success it enjoyed on the platform.
The cancellations came due to the show's reported failure to meet thresholds for viewing and completion of episodes. Amid the massive fan outrage on Twitter, the creative team behind 'First Kill' took to social media to extend gratitude and share their own emotions about the cancellation.
They are not necessarily negative, even though pretty much everyone seems to be upset by the news.
"Forever honored.Forever grateful. To know that this show has touched so many of you is all I could ever ask for. Thank you for letting me portray so many of your beautiful truths through Cal. I pray I served you well," said actress Imany Lewis, one of the two 'First Kill' leads.
Sara Catherine Hook, who played Cal's lover Jules, echoed the sentiment and added that "so many of you connecting with Juliette means more to me than words can say".
But one of the most emotional messages came from the show's writer, Victoria Schwab, who shared a backstage photo on her Instagram and looked back at the day when her project was greenlit on Netflix, saying that it was one of the best moments in her life.
"But that doesn't mean this — the day it got canceled — is the worst. Because the lack of a second season doesn't erase the first," Schwab wrote. "I know first hand, that stories never expire, that they wait for new readers, new viewers, to find them, and I'm so glad that First Kill will be there, for those who go looking."
The heart-wrenching messages from the creative team fueled people's outrage and sadness over the show's cancellation. According to fans, 'First Kill' deserved better – even if some deemed it to be too "cheesy".
"I don't care if straights thought First Kill was too campy/cheesy or had bad CGI, you have 100 versions of that, we are allowed to want a gay version too! Not every show has to be a poetic cinematic masterpiece." – DerpSwan
Others, however, argued that the show was simply "not good enough", hence it got canceled.
Despite having a notable number of haters, 'First Kill' has secured a place on Netflix's Top 10 English-language shows list and eclipsing 100M hours viewed after the first month following the release.