Friends’ Matt LeBlanc Got The Role Thanks to Disastrous Drunken Incident

Friends’ Matt LeBlanc Got The Role Thanks to Disastrous Drunken Incident
Image credit: NBC

The secret to successfully landing a role? Always tell the truth.


  • The secret to Friends' cult status is its perfect casting, and Matt LeBlanc got the part in a rather unusual way.
  • After a night of bar-hopping, LeBlanc fell face down on the toilet and earned a huge scar. When asked at the audition what happened to his face, the actor told the truth and got the role of Joey right away.

20 years ago, the naive and sometimes sharp humor, sincerity and warmth of six friends conquered the world. Three men and three women live next door to each other. They fall in love, fight, celebrate holidays together, and have endless meetings at the café. For 10 seasons, the audience laughed with the characters and, of course, grew up with them.

The extraordinary chemistry between the cast is evident from the first seconds. When Rachel comes running back from shopping in the pilot, we get a glimpse of Chandler looking at her with slight surprise and warmth, it's immediately clear that this is love forever.

David Crane and Marta Kauffman did the most important thing for the future popularity of the show even before filming began – they brought together a perfect ensemble of six actors, all absolutely equally brilliant.

Each of the six actors has their own interesting story about how they got on Friends, but Matt LeBlanc has perhaps the wildest one.

Matt LeBlanc Got the Part Despite Auditioning With a Scar on His Face

Friends’ Matt LeBlanc Got The Role Thanks to Disastrous Drunken Incident - image 1

Although LeBlanc was already one of the favorites to play Joey, it was a drunken incident that proved to Kauffman and Crane that Matt was perfect for the role.

The day before the final audition, the actor rehearsed lines with his friends, and what does it take to get into character when you are going to star in a show about friends? That's right, go to the bar.

After the bar tour, LeBlanc returned to his apartment and went to bed. When the future global celebrity stood up to use the restroom, though, gravity became too much for him to handle. The actor told in detail what it was like during the reunion:

“I kind of blacked out, as you do, and fell face first into the toilet. I hit my nose on the bottom of the toilet seat and a huge chunk of meat came off my nose. I’m looking in the mirror and it’s bleeding.”

When you are a professional actor, not even the absence of a piece of your nose will stop you from attending an audition. So Matt stopped the bleeding, pulled himself together, and went to the final callback. When Crane and Kauffman saw the obvious signs of a fun night on the actor's face, they asked him how it happened.

Matt LeBlanc told the truth and got the part on the spot.

Source: The Independent

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