From Hobbit to Deadpool: 10 Scenes That Made Fans Rage Quit The Movie

You know that moment everything goes fine, the movie is enjoyable, and then it does something that instantly destroys your appreciation of everything that's happened before and you don't want to deal with the whole franchise anymore?
We've been there, we felt that, and these 10 moments prove that.
The main emotion we feel at this moment is "How dare they spoil something so good with such blatant disregard of the lore, the logic, and the respect towards their audience" because, in the end, the audience is the one who feels like they've been played.
The plot twists that come out of nowhere make us feel like we've been fooled, like the source material, if it's an adaptation, has been considered insignificant and thrown away. Sometimes, especially when it happens to the franchise that has built a solid fanbase over the years, mishaps like some badly done CGI mostly feel like the creators now view the whole thing not as a project where quality is crucial but as a pure cash grab that is believed to be profitable even if it's bad because the fans are loyal enough.
And this is the reason why it's so off-putting: we feel used.