General Hospital Turned Port Charles Into Zombieland: When Will It End?

How many fake deaths can one show handle?
- General Hospital is an ABC soap opera that has been on the air since 1963.
- Like many other soaps, General Hospital doesn't consider the deaths of its characters to be final and brings many of them back.
- Although fans appreciate some of the comebacks, the resurrection trope has become very tiresome for viewers.
There are many reasons why viewers prefer soap operas to more realistic series. However, the most fundamental of them is the opportunity to escape from the reality of everyday life into a parallel reality where nothing is impossible.
To be completely honest, few people could survive the harsh realities of soap operas. Between all the intrigue, crime, and love drama, the viewer would be more likely to go crazy than enjoy life. Watching all this on the other side of the screen is a different matter altogether.
One particular trope that made audiences very happy in the past is returning from the dead. Not having to say goodbye to any of the characters forever made it much easier to deal with temporary departures.
In 2024, however, this plot device only elicits weary sighs from General Hospital viewers.
Which General Hospital Characters Really Died?
At this point, you may be wondering why the citizens of Port Charles bother with the funerals of their loved ones, since most of them return to the screen. The resurrection trope has been used by General Hospital writers since the show's inception.
However, with each passing year, the number of people coming back from the dead has only increased.
While some viewers continue to defend the soap, pointing out that the excessive use of various clichés, tropes, and plot devices is just a specific of a genre, others feel that the rate at which General Hospital pushes this particular one is too high and messes up the way the audience perceives what happens on screen.
Though the comebacks themselves don't seem to disappoint viewers in the slightest, the rushed and unbelievable deaths do. Without some serious reason behind the character being buried, like the death of the actor behind them, General Hospital fans just don't feel affected by character deaths anymore.
What is the point of wasting an emotion on someone when you know their return is only a matter of time?
The news of Jason Morgan's return to Port Charles, released at the same time the characters said goodbye to Spencer Cassadine, whose death is so obviously fake it hurts, didn't do the show any justice. Even though viewers are happy to see Jason back, they are simply overwhelmed by the same trope.
If the last problem General Hospital had to deal with was the baby boom, then the zombie apocalypse might as well be the next. Dealing with it, however, may be a little harder than changing endless diapers.
Tune in to ABC Monday through Friday to not miss another episode and another resurrection.