General Hospital Writers Take the Wrong Side in a Conflict They Came Up With, Again

It’s amazing how they miss their own point.
One of the worst things a soap can be is predictable. In the genre where literally anything is possible, writers have endless opportunities to come up with the most bizarre storylines and get nothing but praise as long as they entertain the fans. Being boring is the worst crime a soap can commit against its audience.
Unfortunately, that is exactly what General Hospital seems to do to its viewers time and time again. The show has been a real treat for decades, but the longer it goes on, the easier it is for viewers to tell what will happen next. In Ava and Natalia's recent conflict, for example, the writers' side was obvious from the start.
Why Did Sonny Support Natalia?
If we were given a coin for every time General Hospital created a conflict and then made the good guy suffer more than the bad guy, we'd have so many coins it would be hard to count. It's only mildly annoying, though, when the show builds said conflict around its own fictional agenda. The sheer bigotry of Natalia is what made a lot of people's blood boil.
It's bad enough to have an openly homophobic and unapologetic character on the show in 2024, but it's even worse when they don't face any backlash for it. The only person who got hurt after Ava called out Natalia's horrible behavior was Ava herself, and viewers were once again left completely confused by this arc.
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The only bad thing that Ava has done was outing Blaze, and that should be looked down upon. However, her actions should not be considered just as bad, or even worse than Natalia’s, who was rightfully accused of being a bigot and saying the most vicious things. However, that is exactly how General Hospital decides to treat her.
What’s even worse, none other than Kristina’s father, Sonny, has come to Natalia’s defense. No one expected him to suddenly be a decent person after so many years of proving otherwise, but given General Hospital’s dedication to shield him, many thought the writers won’t make him protect Natalia of all people.
The mess between the characters, however, doesn’t bother the viewers as much as General Hospital’s very vague principles against homophobia. If the show doesn’t do better in coming episodes, their writing will push the viewers to come to an unsettling conclusion themselves.
If you are interested in seeing where the show leads, be sure to tune in to General Hospital Monday through Friday on ABC.