Glee's Most Controversial Ship Was Actually Better Than The Endgame

You would prefer a relationship like that in real life.
As the years go by since Glee aired, and viewers grow and experience more life challenges themselves, opinions about some characters and their actions may change drastically. The things that seemed cool, dreamy, or romantic in the early 2010s on the show about high schoolers may seem strange and toxic when viewed in 2023.
This is what the majority of the fandom has to say about the relationships between the show's main couples. Klaine as Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson are no exception. No matter how nicely things started in season 2, after season 4 everything turned out to be a hot mess.
However, one of the things that infuriated the fandom the most was the revelation that Blaine started dating Dave Karofsky in season 6. While it was a very random decision and a point of no return for many fans, it can now be argued that this couple was a better choice than even getting Kurt and Blaine back together.
It was obvious at the time that they had very different goals in life and were on very different sides. Also, the breach of trust that happened in season 4, and was never repaired, continued to affect them badly to the end.
Although the relationship with Karofsky was a very random choice for Blaine's character, it actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Throughout the series, it has been mentioned how hard it is to find an openly gay person in a small town like Lima, Ohio, and Blaine was probably drawn to someone he already knew.
Between the guy who was a terrified bully in high school but ended up changing his ways, apologizing, and getting along with everyone, and the guy who threw rock salt slushie in his face, the choice seems obvious.
One could argue that Blaine would never agree to a relationship with someone who had hurt Kurt in the past, but he always showed Dave the level of understanding he deserved. While it was never argued that the bullying on his part was wrong, he had quite the redemption arc.
The arc that Klaine as a couple didn't get to have.
If you don't remember what exactly led to Blaine and Dave's relationship, you can re-watch Glee season 6 on Hulu or Disney Plus and make up your own mind if it was a bad decision.