GoT: Why Bran the Broken Will be a Useless King

In one of the more unpopular opinions regarding Game of Thrones, some fans have taken to Reddit to express their view that Bran "the Broken" Stark will turn out to be a useless king.
Despite the rousing speech by Tyrion Lannister which resulted in Bran being elected King, he missed some key points in making his excellent case. And these points have not gone unnoticed by fans, who now fear for the safety and stability of the realm.
First, Bran has no birthright to the throne. His claim is far too open to being challenged by anyone else who decides they would prefer to be King or Queen. Further, he has already demonstrated an act that could be perceived as weak: granting his sister Sansa her own rule in the North. This has set a problematic precedent. Bran is peaceable and this could go against him if anyone who enjoys violence wants to take him on.
Second, The Stormlands have an uncertain ruler now. Gendry Baratheon was appointed Lord by Daenerys, who is now dead, and her murderous rampage has left her loathed by most of the realm. He has no proof that he is Robert Baratheon's bastard, and so if challenged, has little claim to justify his position.
The flip side of this is that those who do follow and support him will likely feel he has more claim to the Iron Throne than Bran and could conceivably rebel on his behalf, whether he wishes it or not.
Third, Yara Greyjoy may struggle to maintain control of the Iron Islands. The Ironborn have traditionally been raiders and reavers and while she seeks to change this, it cannot be overlooked that the Iron Islands do not have land or soil to grow crops.
They would be entirely reliant on trade to survive and would need to adapt to a very different way of living. She is one person, and the rest of her family is dead. Further, she has no heirs, and therefore best-case scenario is her rule will be limited to her lifetime. (And Sansa faces the same problem)
Fourth, Dorne will remain a dangerous wild card. They have never been overly thrilled at submitting to a monarch who is far away, nor have they ever been fond of the North. Bran, as a Northerner who is now a far-away King, fits both these categories. It is entirely possible that whoever takes over the rule of Dorne now the Martells are all dead, may seek to rebel.
Finally, Bran's unique power as the Three-Eyed Raven will likely be feared by the people, not embraced. Dragons are feared and respected because of the massive damage they can inflict. Bran can only see through the eyes of animals. People will be terrified of his power, and not want a King that wields it. Further, he is vulnerable when he uses his ability as he needs to focus intensely.
Overall, the "happy" ending of Game of Thrones is likely only the beginning of a lengthy period of unrest and violence for the realm that will set a whole new game into motion.