Grey's Anatomy: 10 Biggest Tearjerker Episodes to Melt Even the Blackest Hearts

Prepare your Kleenex, we’re up for the saddest journey.
Grey's Anatomy is the TV show that has captivated viewers by having it all: from the steamiest scenes between two lovers to the drama that leaves you speechless. It doesn't matter when you started watching the show, 19 years ago or last month, you already know that no other show can ever compare in a range of emotions.
However, one thing that Shonda Rhimes' staple has always done the absolute best is tragedy. The poetic writing, coupled with brilliant acting from each and every member of the cast, made the show's saddest moments the most memorable. They teach viewers valuable lessons and continue to haunt them even after multiple viewings.
Here are 10 Grey's Anatomy episodes to skip next time you're not in the mood to cry your eyes out.
Unbreak My Heart (S12E11)
April and Jackson were two characters, after Meredith and Derek, that everyone rooted for no matter what obstacles they faced. Unfortunately, there were several times when the audience really thought there was no chance for the couple to reconcile. And the episode Unbreak My Heart with its retrospective of all the best Japril moments only made the pain worse.
Into You Like A Train (S2E6)
On Grey's Anatomy, you don't have to wait long for the first tears. Derek's powerful delivery of his patient's message of love to her fiancé is one of the most heartbreaking, soul-crushing moments on television to date. Kudos to Patrick Dempsey for making Grey's Anatomy fans suffer.
The Sound of Silence (S12E9)
Being a doctor is not an easy job, and you don't really need 12 seasons of TV drama to understand that. However, it can be downright dangerous and life-threatening, as you never know how violent a patient might become. Meredith getting beaten up so badly was definitely a shocker and a wake-up call for many viewers.
All I Could Do Was Cry (S11E11)
There is nothing more painful than losing a child, and unfortunately for Jackson and April, that is the reality they both had to face. The words, "He squeezed my finger... And then he let go..." would forever haunt every Grey's Anatomy viewer, no matter how they felt about the characters at the center of an episode.
Six Days: Part 2 (S3E12)
Another great loss that could be compared to the loss of a child is the loss of a parent. The monologue that Cristina Yang, seemingly so cool and unconcerned, gives to her boyfriend as she welcomes him to a Dead Dads Club are the words of wisdom that everyone should take away from the show. And, of course, the ultimate tearjerker.
Silent All These Years (S15E19)
Unfortunately, sexual harassment and sexual assault remain some of the most sensitive topics on television. Instead of talking about it, many choose to look the other way. Shonda Rhimes, however, not only shows compassion for the victim but also sends a powerful message of empowerment and unity by showing the patient making her way down a hallway full of women.
Going, Going, Gone (S9E1)
After the heartbreaking Season 8 finale, in which the Seattle Hospital crew is involved in a plane crash, Season 9 opens with even more heartbreaking news. One of the first survivors of the disaster and a fan-favorite character, Mark Sloan, dies in his hospital bed surrounded by his loved ones.
Sanctuary + Death and All His Friends (S6E23 + S6E24)
Another episode that delves deep into both the perils of being a doctor and the perils of gun legalization. The two-part Season 6 finale tells the story of a devastated widower, Gary Clark, who decides to murder all the surgeons at the hospital in an act of revenge. Both chilling and heartbreaking, these two episodes are often considered to be the heaviest of the entire series.
As We Know It (S2E17)
This episode walks a fine line between emotional and corny but manages to keep it perfectly balanced. From Meredith's near-death experience to the heartfelt and somewhat reassuring conversation she had with Derek against the backdrop of Bailey's birth story, many feel that this episode, along with the first part, is the most emotionally rounded.
How to Save a Life (S11E21)
No matter how much viewers were rooting for Meredith and Derek to have an endgame, the writers decided to make Patrick Dempsey's departure as painful as possible by killing off his character. And as if the thought of Meredith Grey losing the love of her life wasn't heartbreaking enough, she was the one who had to explain it all to her children.