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Grey’s Anatomy Fans Ranked MAGIC Interns From Worst To Best Doctors

Grey’s Anatomy Fans Ranked MAGIC Interns From Worst To Best Doctors
Image credit: ABC

You would be surprised to know Cristina was never up to take first place.

Grey's Anatomy was never the show to learn all about medicine from. If anything, it could be used as a textbook on how not to act when you're getting your hospital internship! No matter how much some characters are loved by the fans, they can be really bad at treating patients, and we all have to accept that.

Many believe that the first few seasons, when Meredith Grey, Alex Karev, George O'Malley, Izzie Stevens, and Cristina Yang were all working together, were the golden age of Grey's Anatomy. But just how good of doctors are all these characters?

Reddit has gathered the council of r/greysanatomy to decide this once and for all. Here are all 5 original Grey's Anatomy interns, ranked from worst to best doctor.

5. Izzie Stevens

Although Izzie has proven herself to be a great oncology specialist and has grown quite a bit behind the scenes, her overstepping of boundaries with patients was absolutely unforgivable. No matter how competent she is, no one could ever look past the whole Denny story, and in reality, she would be fired long before she could succeed.

4. Alex Karev

It wouldn't be fair to call Alex the worst doctor of them all, especially considering the fact that he showed his full potential in Paeds and OB-GYN. However, compared to the other MAGIC interns, he was the slowest to show his talent. Maybe his mood swings and anger issues didn't help either.

3. George O'Malley

George has the perfect balance of strengths and weaknesses to land right in the middle of this rating. While he was seemingly good at every 911 call and had proper bedside manners that never crossed the line, he wasn't cut out to perform under test pressure. With a little more confidence, he could have done a lot more in life.

2. Cristina Yang

It may be shocking to some that Cristina is not in the first place, but she has always been a little too harsh with patients. Also, as an intern, she tried way too hard to get close to people in order to get some perks for herself. No matter how smart she is and how much knowledge she actually has, she still needs to work on some soft skills.

1. Meredith Grey

Wouldn't it be surprising if the titular character of the show didn't take first place and the title of Best Doctor? All joking aside, Meredith has made a lot of mistakes, but she remains the most well-rounded character of them all with little to no competition. Our only wish is that someone will take her place in Grey's Anatomy Season 20.