Gryffindor is Overrated: 5 Reasons Why It's the Worst Harry Potter House

Gryffindor is the house for the brave. Being the house of the three main characters it's understandable that it became the fan favorite. Everyone wants to consider themselves brave.
Besides, throughout the 8 movies, Gryffindors are shown to be the strongest and the most heroic. They win all the tournaments and at the end of the school year assembly, they suddenly go from last place to winners of the house cup after being dramatically awarded enough last-minute points to win.
Although this is great for them, there are 3 other houses that are just as worthy of being winners, and some fans disagree with the rather predictable trend of Gryffindor always being the best, and have a completely different opinion on the house.
Some fans think that Gryffindor is the worst house, and although this is the last thing producers of Harry Potter wanted people to think, there is evidence to support this idea.
Entitlement and arrogance
What first comes to mind with Gryffindor is that many viewers find the characters of the house to be entitled. They have a hero complex and seem to believe they deserve to win simply because they want it more than the other houses, which screams arrogance.
No consequences
Their actions of stupidity are often labeled as bravery, and on many occasions, members of Gryffindor defied figures of authority and put themselves and others in danger.
The worst part is they never seem to face real consequences, mostly because even their mistakes work out for them in the end.
They put others in danger
Gryffindor's main sorting trait is bravery which is very broad, and the majority of the time Gryffindor is at the center of attention for the wrong reasons, their actions causing danger and havoc to others.
Why are they always in the spotlight?
Without Ron, Harry, and Hermione Gryffindor would be rather boring.
The supporting characters in the same house are mostly unexciting, and some fans feel that Hermione shouldn't even be a part of Gryffindor, as she is a strong academic and always pushing to learn more spells, which would make her a Ravenclaw.
Hermione being in Ravenclaw would make so much more sense; therefore, she was placed in what fans consider the wrong house for her.
Stupid rivalry
The whole basis of Gryffindor vs Slytherin is very childish. It may have worked when fans who watched the movies were young, but looking at it from a mature perspective, the rivalry is frustrating.
Slytherins are stereotypical bad guys and bullies and are always causing trouble for Gryffindor. Gryffindor always wins and Slytherin never learns their lesson, and the other two houses just peacefully exist in the background.
But the most serious issue with Gryffindors is that their faults are often getting glossed over because they're perceived as good guys. Let's remember some of them.
Percy Weasley disowned his own family, called them traitors, and said that his loyalty lay with the Ministry of Magic, but he changed his mind and joined them in the end, right?
Peter Pettigrew betrayed all his friends because of cowardice (where had the legendary Gryffindor bravery gone at this point?) and was willing to sacrifice the life of a child who was barely a year old for the safety of his new master, but he had his reasons, right?
James Potter was mercilessly bullying Severus Snape, but he redeemed himself, right? Fred and George bullied and used their fellow Gryffindors as test subjects for their own profit, but those were just pranks, right?
And Albus Dumbledore... There's too much to say, this guy has ISSUES. Gryffindors are the "Gastons" of the magical world. Bold, strong, and courageous, but sometimes real jerks.