Harry Potter Had a Way Better Villain than Voldemort and It's Not Grindelwald

Sorry, Death Eaters, but Voldemort was just not interesting enough — there was a far cooler villain in the series, and you're ready for this talk.
At the beginning of Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort was such a mysterious and mystical figure he was borderline seen as Death himself.
In the later books, however, we saw him for who he really was: a psychotic sadistic terrorist with a whole bouquet of insecurities and childish fears.
It's safe to say that the real Voldemort held no charm. He was too pathetic and riddled (yeap) with internal problems to be perceived as anything but a messed-up psycho.
Such a villain is too one-dimensional and, frankly, disappointing in his nature. While Rowling brilliantly showed us how mundane and pathetic evil truly is, we think there was a way, way cooler villain that was wasted in vain.
We're talking about Harry Potter's era, so no Grindelwald. And we're definitely not about to jump onto the old and rusty "Dumbledore is the real villain" train. So, who's that prominent and scary antagonist we're referring to?
It's Tom Marvolo Riddle, of course!
"But isn't that Voldemort's real name?" You may ask. You'd be absolutely correct, but it's a bit more complex.
You see, Tom Riddle "died" when Lord Voldemort emerged. The young man that hated his name got rid of it and was only using his alias since then.
We're specifically referring to the person he was prior to fully transitioning to Lord Voldemort — he would've been a much better villain if he didn't do it.
Tom Riddle was a talented young wizard, brilliant and charming. He was incredibly handsome and well-mannered; despite being an evil son of a gun, Riddle managed to charm and sweet-talk his way into people's hearts and minds to achieve his goals.
He was a charismatic leader is what we're trying to say.
Using his charm, talent, and outstanding connections with the Wizarding World's most influential people (both the noble families' heirs he befriended in Hogwarts and the Ministry folk he knew thanks to Slughorn), Tom Riddle could've become a dangerous politician.
He could've taken over the Ministry and the Magical Britain as a whole with much more ease, have way more real power — without anyone realizing.
Oh, Tom Riddle would've become a wicked politician, and his inevitable rise to power would've been comparable to that of the Nazis.
It would've been terrible, terrifying, and terrific — and Minister Riddle would've been unstoppable in his lust for more power.
Even apart from that being a way more interesting character arc, Tom Riddle would've been a much tougher enemy than Voldemort.
His magical talent and loyal dogs would've still been there with him, but it would've also been complimented by real political power, a legal position and its protection, and the genuine love of the clueless populace.
It sounds scary 'cause it is.
But sure, he could also become a psychotic pale less-than-human monstrosity outlaw missing both its nose and its reason. Why not.