Harry Potter: One Of Fans' Biggest Problems With Quidditch Exists In Tennis, Too

“Quidditch rules are stupid” is every Potterhead’s favorite lullaby, but can we really blame the Wizarding World for its quirks when we, Muggles, have the same ones?
- One of the major issues with Quidditch rules is its weird scoring system where points don’t correspond with goals.
- The same can be said about some real-life sports like basketball and tennis.
- In tennis, the first two goals score 15 points, and the third scores 10 points, which is arguably even weirder than in Quidditch.
Though magical and wondrous, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter near-consists of plotholes and questionable design choices just as much as it consists of clever Easter eggs and foreshadowing. But if we were to ask all Potterheads to name the one dumbest thing in their favorite universe, they’d unanimously say, “Quidditch rules.” Well, save for those who’d say, “Time-Turners.” Anyway, moving on.
Quidditch Rules In Harry Potter Don’t Make Sense
If we put all the “why-do-they-let-kids-play-that-horribly-dangerous-and-traumatizing- game” aside, there are only two major problems in the Quidditch rules. Both of them have to do with the scoring system in this magical but poorly designed game.
First, the Golden Snitch is worth way too many points. What’s the 10 points all other players on the field can get per goal against the 150 points that can momentarily be gained by the one player who doesn’t even interact with the others? If the Snitch was worth 50 points, it would have made sense — but 150 points is blatantly stupid.
Second, there are just too many points. Harry Potter fans who don’t follow real-life (aka Muggle) sports have always been arguing that there was no need for each goal to be worth 10 points and the Snitch to be worth 150. Why not 1 and 15, instead? What’s the point (pun unintended…or is it?) in all those irrelevant multiples of ten?
Muggle Sports Rules Are No Better Than Quidditch
Both these opinions are valid and have a point (yes). But isn’t it somewhat hypocritical when we, Muggles, blame the wizards for something we have, too? Unlike wizards, we haven’t been marinating in a secluded highly traditional world for the past decades and centuries, but we still have sports with bizarre score systems!
Take tennis, for example.
In tennis, each set is divided into six games. Games is where it gets vaguely familiar: each game consists of four points… Which are not calculated as “four points” whatsoever. Instead, they go like this: Love–15–30–40–Game. Two first goals score a player 15 points, and the third goal scores 10 points. Reminds you of anything?..
Compared to Quidditch, tennis has an even more ridiculous system where not only does each goal count for more points than one, but goals also score less points as the game progresses. That’s what we, Muggles who’re judging wizards for their favorite game’s rules, are still living with! Do you still want to trash-talk Quidditch rules?