Harry Potter World is Doomed: Fan Theory Explains Why Dementors Will Inevitably Take Over

The entities that devour one's sadness were the greatest fear of The Boy Who Lived. Well, maybe the Ministry of Magic should be a little more concerned about dementors as well?
Harry Potter fans have long speculated about the possibility of Dementors taking over the magical world.
Known for their ability to suck the joy and happiness out of their victims, these evil creatures have been a constant threat throughout the series. But could they actually succeed in enslaving the universe?
A popular fan theory suggests that it is, in fact, inevitable. The hypothesis holds that the Dementors' power lies in their ability to feed on negative emotions such as fear, sadness, and despair.
As long as these emotions exist in the world, the creatures have a source of sustenance. And with the rise of dark sorcerers and the ever-present threat of war, it seems unlikely that we will ever be free of negativity.
The theory is that the wizarding universe has become too complacent in its fight against the Dementors.
The Ministry of Magic, for example, has relied too heavily on using them as guards of Azkaban, rather than finding a more humane solution.
This has only served to increase the presence of these creatures in the world, making them more powerful and more likely to turn on their captors.
However, they have stood by Voldemort's side, so it is only a matter of time before they take over the wizards.
Fans also point out that dementors can't be killed. In the movies and books, they can be repelled by incredibly powerful magic not available to many mages, but these creatures do not die and return each time with new powers.
But some fans assume that even if something happens, there's always a time travel loophole that solves every problem, while others rightly complain that the Dementors will soon replace everyone in the magical world.
Of course, this is all speculation, and there is no definitive answer as to whether or not the Dementors could conquer the Wizarding world.
However, the fact that this theory has gained so much traction among fans speaks to the power of these creatures, and the fear they inspire is utterly devastating.
Source: Reddit