Henry Cavill’s Sherlock in Enola Holmes Is More Canonical Than You Thought

Cavill’s Sherlock Holmes is usually considered rather unorthodox due to his warmness, but his interpretation still brilliantly captures the essence of the character.
The new Netflix hit series, Enola Holmes, offers a unique and original twist on the original Holmes story in more than one way, and apart from Enola’s perspective, there were noticeable changes to the iconic character of her brother Sherlock who’s now played by none other than Henry Cavill, the Witcher and Man of Steel actor.
While Cavill’s Sherlock Holmes is very distinct from all other interpretations in some regards (for instance, he’s very empathetic and warm in contrast to the typical cold and distant portrayal of his character), he stays true to the original character in the most important aspects. This results in a unique yet recognizable Sherlock Holmes.
Sharp mind
Just as in every other interpretation, Sherlock Holmes remains the best detective in London (and arguably, in the world). His unique intelligence and analytical nature allow him to notice and assess every tiny detail in a matter of seconds, and the character’s brilliance helps him get through the most devious secrets and codes.
Engraved flaws
Much like the original detective, Cavill’s Holmes is far from a perfect human being. Instead of the usual combination of drugs and tobacco, this Sherlock indulges himself in alcohol… And when it comes to social interactions, we can often see his inflated ego and ever-growing arrogance peeking through the gentleman’s facade.
Emotional cluelessness
Cavill’s Sherlock is just as emotionally immature as any other Holmes: for him, others’ feelings remain a mystery at times, which complicates things. Paired with his unmatched wit, it led to the detective’s isolation and loneliness as he’s simply unable to “match” with other people due to both an intellectual and an emotional gap.
With Henry Cavill masterfully portraying these core traits of the legendary detective’s nature, even the distinctions and added touches like a warmer attitude towards others and occasional comedic behavior can’t override the obvious fact that this is the Sherlock Holmes — the character we’ve learned to love over many decades.