Hogwarts Founders Show Could Save Harry Potter (Or Turn It Into Vampire Diaries Spinoff)

The wizarding world is full of possibilities.
While some Harry Potter fans are already clamoring for a reboot of the main seven-chapter story, others insist that there are other parts of the universe that need to be explored.
You may not know this, but Harry Potter fans have been dreaming of a certain prequel for many years — and no, we're not talking about the long-awaited Marauders spinoff. No, what many fans want to see in a TV show happened a lot longer ago.
Yes, a TV show about the four founders of Hogwarts is something fans think could revive the franchise... even though the very word "Founders" sounds more like the title of a Vampire Diaries spinoff than a Harry Potter one.
The story of Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff is certainly a big legend to adapt; after all, we're talking about the founders of Hogwarts. Exploring the roots of the Gryffindor-Slytherin drama from the very beginning, as well as learning more about less hyped founders like Rowena and Helga, would be a great way to expand the universe, fans believe.
"A five episode special: one per founder and their life/accomplishments and one final episode of them coming together and building the school. After Slytherin leaves I can't imagine much more happened other than them teaching until their death/retirement. Maybe Godric goes after Salazar, but who knows?" Redditor R3TR0_SP3C73R mused.
Others, however, are low-key worried that the spinoff will not get the treatment it deserves, and that instead of expanding the universe, it will simply "butcher" it.
"Instead of making the series about founding a school so wizards could congregate and learn magic in peace, where the four founders were actually great friends and some of the most powerful witches and wizards alive, [...] they would make them quirky and odd outcast who are all pro-muggleborn and actively fight Salazar [Slytherin]. No thanks," Redditor GodsAndMonst3ers said.
What people really don't want the potential Founders series to be is another "The CW type of drama" — something fans feel will ultimately ruin the Harry Potter world. However, with Warner Bros. now actively looking for ways to expand J.K. Rowling's universe, a TV series about the founders of Hogwarts might be the pitch they're looking for.
So far, Warner Bros. has not officially commented on potential future projects based on the Harry Potter series.