Hold On Tight, Spider Monkeys, Here Are Twilight's 10 Most Iconic Quotes

It’s like our personal brand of heroin…
Among all the factors that have contributed to Twilight 's enduring popularity, the franchise is also a great source of unforgettable and iconic lines.
Here are the 10 best quotes from the eternally popular vampire saga.
10. Bella, Where The Hell Have You Been, Loca?
Upon reuniting with Bella, Jacob casually calls her "loca," which means crazy in Spanish, and this hilarious line is forever etched as one with the most potential for hilarious memes and jokes.
9. Say It…Out Loud
Bella and Edward's interaction in the woods is not only a pivotal moment in the franchise, but in our lives as well. Not a day goes by that we don't flashback to this iconic scene, and it's just beyond phenomenal.
8. This Is The Skin Of A Killer, Bella
When Edward drags Bella into the woods and decides to strip naked in front of the minor, we get one of the most iconic scenes and quotes of all time. This quirky moment, which combines Edward's self-doubt with the unexpected glitter of a predator, has become a beloved and oft-quoted scene over time.
7. You Nicknamed My Daughter After The Loch Ness Monster!?
Bella's shock and anger, combined with Edward's amusement, make her reaction to Jacob nicknaming her daughter Nessie unforgettable. Imagine being dead for a few hours and coming back to find your daughter being labeled as a Scottish hairy monster.
6. And So The Lion Fell In Love With The Lamb…
The symbolism of the meeting of a lion and a lamb is a representation of the inherent contrast between their worlds and personalities, as do Edward and Bella. Edward Cullen, are you a poet or something?
5. But Let's Start With Forever
The black sheep among all the other quirky quotes, but Twilight is not Twilight without this heartwarming phrase. One of the few outstanding and romantic lines that Edward says to Bella and since this memorable scene you wish your partner would say the same to you, don't you?
4. La Push, Baby, It’s La Push
Nothing specific, but the way Eric talks about the Indian reservation is so cheeky, if he was selling tours there, we would buy it in a heartbeat.
3. - I’m coming
- I Don’t Want You To Come
Should we really comment on this one…?
2. Your Scent Is Like A Drug To Me
The whole book could be written only with those wood scene quotes, that’s how iconic they are. Bella, girl, you should drop that body care routine, don't be a gatekeeper.
1. You Better Hold On Tight, Spider Monkey
Looks like you've been holding on tight, making it all the way to the end of the list. With Edward's playful banter with Bella, his smirk at her, and the later iconic speed of running and climbing trees, this quote deserves all the buzz it gets, even many years later.