TV Hulu How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother’s Lily Is The True Villain Of The Show 

How I Met Your Mother’s Lily Is The True Villain Of The Show 
Image credit: CBS

Even though you may not have noticed it yet.

How I Met Your Mother is actually a very unique sitcom. It may seem like a Friends copycat to those who haven't seen it, but the true fans know that HIMYM has much more to offer.

The show follows five friends as they go about their lives (bear with us). Ted, Lily, Barney, Marshall and Robin have somehow managed to form this codependent group that seems to be the most important thing in their lives.

Although it is established that they all really care about each other, the show still provides us with many storylines that just prove that they are more self-centered than we might think at first.

The best example of this is Lily. You might not notice it at first because she is the most adorable character on paper. Well, think about it: she works at the kindergarten, she is in a committed relationship, she is like a group mom, and she always seems so nice.

How I Met Your Mother’s Lily Is The True Villain Of The Show - image 1

But as the series progresses, we find out that she has done some questionable, if not disturbing, things to her friends. For example, she was the one who quietly forced Ted to break up with many different girlfriends without even giving those relationships a chance.

She just ruined his life for no particular reason. Just because it "felt right" to her. And that's one of the reasons why fans actually started to rethink their opinions about her.

“Because of her attitude. She has this idea that a lot of what she does is for the best, when it really isn’t. She constantly got involved in Ted's relationships when she shouldn’t have. She put her marriage on hold and expected it to be there when she got back from San Francisco. She tries to be the moral compass of the group (and I’ll admit she does well some of the time) but other times it’s like ‘really’?” Redditor Starhunt3r said.

The storyline with her going to San Francisco and leaving her fiancé really broke some hearts. And even though she came back, she really did it for her own selfish reasons, not because she really understood that she had made a mistake.

This all really makes Lily the worst villain there is. And if for some reason you don't believe us, just re-watch the show on Hulu Plus and see for yourself.