How The Power Of On-Screen Romance Forced HIMYM's Jason Segel Quit Smoking For A Year

The things we do for love. Oops, wrong show!
No one can deny that acting is a very demanding profession. Even though it comes with some perks once you reach a certain level of fame, it still requires a lot of physical and mental strength to take on different roles. While the challenges in action or fantasy genres are more obvious, more realistic settings are no less difficult.
Even such sweet roles like How I Met Your Mother 's Marshall and Lily have had their share of challenges set for the actors. Both Alyson Hannigan and her on-screen husband Jason Segel, for example, were not big fans of filming more intimate scenes involving kissing.
While Hannigan couldn't stand the taste and smell of cigarettes, Segel started losing a lot of money trying to kick his bad habit.
The money was part of the agreement the actor had with Hannigan, who was trying her best to help him quit. For his sake as well as hers. She recalled the arrangement in an interview with Digital Spy:
“When we started the pilot [for the show] he was like, 'Get me to stop smoking, I'll be your best friend.' So we did this bet where he would owe me $10 every time he had a cigarette. After the first day, he owed me $200. So he said, 'I'm just quitting,' and he quit cold turkey for about a year,” she said.
Unfortunately, the happiness did not last long, as the actor returned to his bad habit due to stress in his personal life. However, the disgust that came with the smell and taste of tobacco never made it to the screen, so fans were very happy with every sweet Lily and Marshall interaction they got.
If you're feeling nostalgic and want to refresh your memories of the best Lily and Marshall How I Met Your Mother moments, you can stream the show on Hulu or Disney Plus.
Source: Digital Spy