How To Save General Hospital's Sprina? Give Trina a New Boyfriend

Maybe they just aren’t worth saving at all.
- General Hospital is the ABC daytime drama that has been on the air since 1960.
- The soap has produced many great romances over the years, some of which were later named supercouples.
- Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson had all the chances to become one, but now are on the edge of breakup.
There is no other show like General Hospital on television today. The soap has been around for more than 60 years, delivering quality drama every day and keeping viewers hooked on everything that happens on screen.
At this point, no one really expects the content to be consistent in quality. Although the soap genre has been on the decline since the 2010s, General Hospital manages to stay afloat and keep its daytime slot on ABC. The cast and crew have to be very disciplined to make sure everything stays intact.
One step away from the schedule and the show will end up being unprofitable and moved online. And that is the best-case scenario.
Still, through the lazy writing and the predictable twists and turns that seem to happen more often, there are real gems of storytelling that shine through. Sometimes it's a crazy villain whose ruthless behavior leaves the viewer speechless, and sometimes it's a lovely couple.
Spencer and Trina were such a couple not too long ago, but now their relationship is on the verge of breaking up.
Will General Hospital’s Trina And Spencer Break Up?
With Esme suffering from amnesia and showing her good side, there is a strong possibility that she will break Spencer and Trina up. While the most loyal Sprina shippers are devastated by this idea, those who have been yearning for some juicy drama don't find the possibility of a breakup all that bad.
Besides, the best thing General Hospital can give Trina now that she is still in college is new experiences. Including a possible new boyfriend who can be everything she deserves and more. Whether it would be a character we don't know yet or someone from the past that would be brought back to the show, the fans don't care.
The idea is for Trina to experience the romantic bliss she deserves without Spencer constantly obsessing over Ace as if he were his child rather than his brother. Maybe she will be distracted enough to forget the pain the breakup will inevitably cause her. Or maybe she will get bored so quickly that she will be ready to accept Spencer back for who he is.
Looking at the situation from Spencer's point of view, this would also be a defining moment. Once he loses Trina and sees her happy in the new romance, he would be able to see if he's content to let her go or if he's willing to keep fighting for her. Assuming, of course, that he's not completely smitten with Esme by then.
So, the best thing that can be done for this couple, is to let them go separate ways… at least for some time. If you want to see whether that would be exactly what General Hospital decides to do, you can go ahead and tune in to new episodes Monday through Friday on ABC.