I Love Friends So Much, but I Still Skip These 4 Episodes Every Time I Rewatch It

Bullet to my head I will never watch them.
Friends is a legendary sitcom. There's hardly a person in the world who hasn't heard of the show, even if they've never watched it. Some episodes have become the biggest things in pop culture, some lines and scenes live rent-free in the minds of fans.
To be honest, I was pretty old when I first saw the show, but since then I think I have watched it more than 10 times. And recently I started watching it again. However, despite being iconic, the show is also sometimes boring...
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's a show that aired 30 years ago, or maybe I'm just being too judgmental, but there are episodes that are impossible to watch again because they're so cringeworthy.
Now you may think I am crazy, but I always skip these 4 episodes on my annual Friends rewatch.
1. The One with the Fake Monica (Season 1, Episode 21)
The Fake Monica episode is my least favorite episode of the whole show. In all these years, I may have only watched it once. The thing is, the plot is so stupid that you can't help but roll your eyes for most of the episode.
It follows Monica who realizes that someone has stolen her credit card and is living a full life with her money. Instead of immediately reporting her, Monica decides to live as her thief, try to understand her, and even befriend her in the end. I mean, I know Monica has questionable intelligence, but this is just too much for me.
2. The One With the Baby on the Bus (Season 2, Episode 6)
Another episode that, in my opinion, dealt with a very serious topic in a very silly way. In the episode, Chandler and Joey took Ben for a walk and decided to use him as a woman magnet. But instead, all the women assumed they were the baby's fathers.
So when two girls looked at them for more than three Missisipis, they decided to take the baby and go by bus to catch up with them. In the end, they were apparently all so busy talking that none of the four noticed that they got off the bus without the baby...
Also, the way Ross handled the fact that they forgot his son on the bus and then had to take him back from Social Services... Well, let's just say he took the disappearance of his sandwich a lot worse than that.
3. The One with the Bullies (Season 2, Episode 21)
You probably won’t find this episode in any lists of Friends “worst episodes,” but for me it is a useless one. Aside from Phoebe finally approaching her father’s second family and finding out that she has a brother, there’s nothing good in it.
The reason I keep skipping this episode is because of the bullying storyline. While Ross and Chandler were doing their usual at Central Perk, they were approached by two other men who started picking on them, forcing them to leave and even taking Chandler's hat. It's just impossible for me to imagine something like that happening in real life between four grown-ups.
4. The One Where No One Proposes (Season 9, Episode 1)
I'm sure this episode has a lot of haters, because there's nothing else in the whole show that makes the main characters look so stupid. It's the episode where Rachel already gave birth to Emma, something so embarrassing happens that you can only cringe when you watch it again.
Ross and Rachel were once again too close to starting a new life together now that they have a daughter, but God knows why Rachel thinks Joey proposed to her when he was just holding Ross' ring on her knee and saying yes to the question no one asked. And while the episode is important, I can't help but skip it, not to see all three of them unhappy at the end.