I’ve Watched Every Resident Alien Episode & There’s a Perfect Spinoff Idea

I’ve Watched Every Resident Alien Episode & There’s a Perfect Spinoff Idea
Image credit: Syfy

There’s a duo that has to have their own show.

There are many reasons why a show becomes a fan favorite. The most obvious are appealing main characters, strong storylines, and, of course, on-screen chemistry between the cast. And when a show has all of that, it's no wonder people want more of it. Hence the spinoffs, which sometimes focus on more unexpected characters and storylines.

Resident Alien is one of the most talked about shows these days. The sci-fi comedy-drama won my heart with its bizarre yet meaningful plot. At the center of the story is an alien, brilliantly played by Alan Tudyk, who lands on Earth in the human guise of Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle.

He was sent to our planet to destroy it, but instead fell in love with humans and started a new life there. He also befriends Sheriff Mike Thompson, one of the most eccentric characters on the show. Their tandem is one of the funniest things on TV and whenever they interact, I burst out laughing.

But there’s one more character that Sheriff aka Big Black has perfect chemistry with, and it's none other than Deputy Liv Baker. The two of them form an amazing team, working together and investigating all the mysteries brought to the town by Harry the alien.

I’ve Watched Every Resident Alien Episode & There’s a Perfect Spinoff Idea - image 1

Now, after watching them together for the entire course of the show, I realized that if the show will ever have a spinoff it should be about the two of them! Can you imagine an X-Files alike series with the quirky sheriff and deputy from Resident Alien being the lead characters?

After seeing how well they play off each other, there is no doubt that their dynamic will attract a lot of viewers. In the OG series, they start off on the wrong foot, but over time they have really managed to build a solid friendship and the upcoming season will most likely bring them even closer together.

The spinoff can revolve around their working shenanigans and play up their many regular quirks. But until then, we can enjoy the two of them in Resident Alien on Netflix.

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