Jackie Chan May Have No Haters, But His Background is Actually Highly Controversial

The actor may be a hero on the big screen, but what is he like in real life?
It seems that the Internet has begun to gradually move away from the general adoration of Keanu Reeves and switch to... Jackie Chan.
Numerous posts claim that this is the only actor without haters, as he seems to avoid any scandals or controversial situations.
He is definitely a multi-talented person with hundreds of fan clubs, and his contribution to world popular culture is truly priceless.
However, no one is perfect, and actor's personal life can raise questions for many.
While in the US and other Western countries Jackie Chan is perceived as just a kind person who helps everyone around him, in Asian countries the attitude towards the actor is more controversial.
Chan admitted that he was so wrapped up in his career that he paid little attention to his family.
One day his marriage almost broke up when Chinese actress and former Miss Asia Elaine Ng publicly announced that she had had an affair with Jackie Chan and that she had a daughter as a result.
This would have been a big scandal even today, and in 1999 it was a bombshell – absolutely all Asian media talked about was this news.
In response, Jackie Chan revealed that he was providing full financial support for his daughter, sending her huge amounts of money every month.
Elaine stated that Jackie never sent her a cent. In fact, there was even a court case in which it was admitted that neither Elaine nor her daughter Etta had actually received any money transfers from the actor.
In 2014, Chinese police detained Jaycee, the Jackie's eldest son, for drug possession. The actor publicly stated that he would not lobby for his son's sentence to be commuted.
Jaycee spent six months behind bars and paid a hefty fine. It is also known that the actor has a tense relationship with his son, refuses to do joint projects with Jaycee and also disinherited him.
19-year-old Etta Ng, Jackie Chan's daughter, recently announced her marriage to a girl from Canada, and just a few months later, she admitted to the press that because of "homophobic parents," the two of them are now literally living under a bridge.
Etta also admitted that she had never seen her father, and had no desire to do so.