
Jake Gyllenhaal's Action Drama Nobody Enjoyed Suddenly Dethrones Ricky Stanicky on Prime

Jake Gyllenhaal's Action Drama Nobody Enjoyed Suddenly Dethrones Ricky Stanicky on Prime
Image credit: Prime Video, Legion-Media

It’s probably Jake Gyllenhaal that draws so much attention.

Doug Liman’s Road House remake looked quite promising for a while — until it was released. While the director was constantly arguing with Amazon for not letting his new project get its deserved release in cinemas, many of those who already watched Road House can probably say that what happened worked the best for the movie — and the streaming actually helped it to avoid box office failure.

Given this, it makes it even more surprising now that Road House is dominating Prime Video ’s top-10 having removed Peter Farrelly’s new comedy Ricky Stanicky from the first place.

And even though some people still called it a silly comedy, the movie starring Zac Efron and John Cena seems to have received much more accolades, at least from the viewers.

Even the plot itself seems like some light fun for a Friday evening: once three childhood friends invented an imaginary friend Ricky Stanicky that would always be blamed for their troubles. Twenty years later they still use this trick to justify their childish behavior, but the real trouble comes when the friends’ spouses and partners ask to meet this mysterious Ricky Stanicky.

Jake Gyllenhaal's Action Drama Nobody Enjoyed Suddenly Dethrones Ricky Stanicky on Prime - image 1

While so far there’s no sign of objective reasons for Road House’s success, the film may owe it to its leading actor, Jake Gyllenhaal, whose appearance and acting skills in portraying a former UFC fighter and now a mere bouncer are attractively good, as well as to intense PR campaign that the film’s team carried out.

The truth is that bad PR is still PR — and even though the release was mostly related to the director’s loud words of protest threatening to even ignore his movie’s premiere (unexpectedly he did attend the premiere), the film itself was pretty much in the spotlight.

It didn’t help with the ratings, though – Road House only has 65% on Tomatometer, with the audience score sitting even lower at 60%. But if you want to make your own mind about the movie, stream it on Prime Video.