TV John Krasinski The Office

John Krasinski Surprises Fans With His Favorite Episode of The Office

John Krasinski Surprises Fans With His Favorite Episode of The Office
Image credit: NBC

It's always tough to choose a favorite episode in a show so iconic, but fans were hoping that Krasinski picks a different one.

Out of 201 episodes, John Krasinski has a soft spot for one of the show's earliest episodes, citing it as the true starting point of the beloved series.

In an autocomplete interview with WIRED, the Jim Halpert actor revealed that his most favorite episode of The Office is Diversity Day — season 1 episode 2, where Dunder Mifflin learn to be more accepting and tolerant, but it quickly goes off the rails.

"It was technically the second episode, but it was the first episode of our own, meaning the pilot was the direct copy of the British show. And I will never forget that, because being in that room, not only was I the most unprofessional actor because I laughed at every single thing that happened, but I remember [thinking] this is going to be one of the funniest things ever been recorded on television," Krasinski said.

According to the actor, at the time, the crew had no idea of how popular the show would soon prove to be, and everyone believed that "the funniest thing ever recorded on television" would hardly be seen by anyone. Well, look how the turntables.

John Krasinski Surprises Fans With His Favorite Episode of The Office - image 1

Fans, however, were surprised to learn that Krasinski likes Diversity Day the best. According to YouTube comments, people were sure that the actor would choose a different episode as his favorite — season 4 episode 13 titled Dinner Party.

Easily one of the most iconic episodes of the show, it has Jim and Pam visiting Michael and his girlfriend Jan for a dinner party at Michael's condominium. From Jan's candle-making business to the most awkward dinner atmosphere possible, the episode is one of the most beloved installments of The Office in the fandom, with some fans knowing it line by line.

Still, some fans in the comments appreciate Diversity Day just as much as Krasinski does.

"I like how that episode is Tobey's first appearance. I love it when Michael Scott kicked him out of the conference room after he made a joke about sitting in Indian style," one fan noted.

The Office aired on NBC from 2005 to 2013, wrapping up after nine seasons.