TV John Krasinski Emily Blunt The Office

John Krasinski Upset the UK Border Security with Both His Career and Private Life

John Krasinski Upset the UK Border Security with Both His Career and Private Life
Image credit: Prime Video

That’s the kind of life you want to live — when even across the ocean, people get frustrated with your fame and family success…even if it costs you access to another country.

While we all know about some of the hardships actors go through, those are not enough to outweigh the benefits of it in the public’s eye.

Many people envy famous actors, and there are quite a few reasons for that: they’re popular, rich, and well-connected, and they seemingly lead the perfect lives that we only dream of…

In many cases, this isn’t exactly the truth, of course. Just like us, actors are real people with a bunch of problems with careers, personal life, family, and daily stuff.

Sure, they have the benefit of a solid bank account that helps out tremendously, but they still suffer just the same. Many people don’t see that, though.

John Krasinski Upset the UK Border Security with Both His Career and Private Life - image 1

Some actors find this idolization amusing, some find it frustrating, and few are delusional enough to truly believe they’re special.

Whatever they think about it, the general audience will still either idolize them or be utterly jealous. Normally, it isn’t an issue — until you run into a border security officer who dislikes you for who you are.

This is exactly the experience The Office ’s John Krasinski had to go through.

“[In the UK,] most people are so welcoming…customs agents, not so much. One week, I just got unlucky, and there was a guy about my age. He said, ‘You’re an actor?’ I said, ‘Yeah.’ He goes, ‘What do I know you from?’ And I said, ‘We did the American version of your British Office.’ [And he goes,] ‘Strike one,’” shared Krasinski on The Graham Norton Show.

Yeah, many British people don’t really like it when the Americans reboot their shows and make more popular versions. But a strike? Come on, man! Also, if you think that the border security guy was done with Krasinski, you’re very wrong. While he was upset about The Office, he was yet to learn about who John’s wife was.

When the customs agent asked Krasinski about the purpose of his visit, the actor replied that he arrived to visit his wife. The officer was immediately interested and, after learning that she was an actress, too, wanted to know who exactly she was.

“He said, ‘What’s her name?’ And I said, ‘Emily Blunt, ’ as he was writing something, and he went, [imitates a long pause after looking up from the papers, raises his voice] ‘You?!’ ‘Yeah.’ And he goes, [furiously slams a stamp into an invisible passport] ‘Alright, get out of here!’ Krasinski added.

Long story short, that’s why John Krasinski entered the UK with an imaginary strike that day: he had been part of an immensely British show reboot…and had a way-too-beautiful British actress as his wife. At least, that’s what the customs agent guy thought; perhaps, he’d always wanted to have a chance with Emily Blunt, too.

Source: The Graham Norton Show via YouTube