Johnny Depp Bids Farewell to the Role of Captain Jack Sparrow For Good

Yo-ho, a pirate's life is not for me.
During his testimony in court amid the ongoing trial with ex-wife Amber Heard, Johnny Depp has delved into details of his crumbling career, revealing the news that might be truly heart-breaking to some 'Pirates of the Caribbean ' fans.
He will never come back to the role of Captain Jack Sparrow.
"The fact is, Mr. Depp, if Disney came to you with $300 million and a million alpacas, nothing on this earth would get you to go back and work with Disney on a 'Pirates of the Caribbean' film? Correct?" Amber Heard's attorney asked him as cited by Variety.
"That is true, Mr. Rottenborn," the actor replied.
Fans, eager to side with Depp even when he ruins their hopes to ever see him as Captain Jack Sparrow again, rushed to Twitter to voice their support.
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Hardly anyone was eager to blame Johnny, rather pointing a finger at the studio.
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After Heard rolled out her controversial op-ed in The Washington Post, portraying herself as a victim of domestic abuse, Depp's career started to crumble – at least that's what the actor's team claims. Although Heard did not directly name him, Depp was not able to land roles he would previously have.
Particularly, it was reported that Disney dropped him as Captain Jack Sparrow in the planned sixth part of 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. Rumors circulated later that Margot Robbie was due to appear in the yet another 'Pirates' sequel.