
Kevin Costner's Horizon Takes a Devastating Blow from Critics on RT

Kevin Costner's Horizon Takes a Devastating Blow from Critics on RT
Image credit: Legion-Media, Warner Bros. Pictures

Ahead of its theatrical premiere, Horizon: Part 1 isn’t doing too hot on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s doing quite terribly, in fact.

Kevin Costner risked everything to get his Horizon movies done: his lead role in Yellowstone, his ridiculously expensive property, and an ungodly amount of personal money. Horizon has been a huge gamble since Day One but Costner went through with his dream project anyway, having spent many years planning and writing it.

The first movie, Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1 is set for a June 28, 2024 theatrical premiere, but the first critic reviews are in… And they’re not looking good.

Horizon: Part 1 Destroyed on Rotten Tomatoes

Knowing just how much the making of Horizon cost Kevin Costner literally and figuratively, it’s imperative for him that the movie succeeds. However, things are not looking good for the first installment on Rotten Tomatoes: its Critic Score is currently sitting at an embarrassing 35% from 23 reviews that have been submitted so far.

“These plotlines <...> don’t add up to much in this awkwardly stitched quilt, which rarely provides the space for anyone’s experiences to resonate. That also limits the scope for the actors to breathe much dimensionality into their roles. Dialogue-driven scenes often feel stilted and lifeless; <...> Don’t build up your hopes too much,” THR’s David Rooney wrote.

But however dire things may be looking on Rotten Tomatoes, it’s seemingly the only platform that has issues with Kevin Costner’s latest project.

Horizon Received a Standing Ovation at Cannes

Recently, Kevin Costner presented Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1 at the Cannes Film Festival, and the reception was overwhelmingly positive. After the credits rolled, Costner received a standing ovation from the audience that lasted, without exaggeration, just about 10 minutes straight. Doesn’t sound like 35%, right?

Kevin Costner's Horizon Takes a Devastating Blow from Critics on RT - image 1

Furthermore, IMDb also seems to love Horizon: Part 1. With 22 times more reviews than on Rotten Tomatoes, the movie is doing outstandingly well on the platform, having raked up an 8.1/10 score so far. So don’t worry about Kevin Costner just yet: save for some RT critics, it seems like the majority of the audience enjoyed Horizon.

Soon, we will, too: we remind you that the movie premiers on June 28, 2024.

Source: THR