TV Game of Thrones

Kit Harrington Loved His Jon Snow Hair as Much as His Character, So Why Trim It?

Kit Harrington Loved His Jon Snow Hair as Much as His Character, So Why Trim It?
Image credit: HBO

It’s no secret that Jon Snow adored his beautiful long hair, and his actor took after him; however, after Game of Thrones, he decided to trim it really short. Why?

Pretty much the first thing we learn about Jon Snow as Game of Thrones begins is that he loves his long hair and is semi-obsessed with taking care of it: his brothers (neither of whom, as we learn later, is his brother) are teasing him about it. They even claim that Jon is more interested in his hair than in girls, so there’s that, too.

Kit Harrington, the actor who played Jon Snow, obviously had to grow that long black hair for the show — and admittedly, he loved it just as much as his character did. In real life, it was his on-screen sister who revealed Kit’s obsession, claiming that he was always “scrunching the ends of his curls to make sure they were perfect.”

Still, despite that, Kit Harrington decided to trim his hair off completely after the finale of Game of Thrones. Why would he ever do that? Admittedly, the actor stepped over his obsession with his curls to make sure he’s not recognized as Jon Snow anymore.

“I’d like to step away and enjoy the obscurity, cut my hair, make myself less recognizable as the character, and go do some other things with a completely new look and tone,” Harrington told EW in the final weeks of filming the show.

Removing his favorite parts of his appearance pained the actor, but arguably, he was more worried about the beard than the hair. Still, he really wanted to make sure he wouldn’t be seen as “that Jon Snow guy” on his next project.

“The beard will be harder to get rid of — I quite like the beard. I like having long hair and beard both, but it will be like a ritualistic thing. I can’t go into my next role looking the same. This role was brilliant, but I’ll need to get rid of Jon Snow,” admitted the actor.

In the end, though, Kit Harrington didn’t find the inner strength to trim his hair “short-short,” as he intended. Instead, he only slightly cut them to reduce the length and got rid of the curls in favor of straight hair. He also removed the beard and left the mustache, but we are not talking about that. Thankfully, no mustache now.

Source: EW