LoTR Most Offbeat Fan Theory Is Busted Thanks to Hidden Detail No One Noticed

Do you know every member of the Fellowship of the Ring by name?
Everyone remembers the great and legendary members of the Fellowship of the Ring, here they are: Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Gimli, Gandalf, Boromir, and... wait, what's his name? Yes, Legolas.
There are a huge number of theories about the J. R. R. Tolkien’s world, but the craziest, strangest and at the same time most hilarious theory is without a doubt the one according to which Frodo did not know Legolas' name all the time. And if you are hearing this for the first time, make yourself comfortable and enjoy an unforgettable journey to wherever the attention of the fans takes us.
Let's start with the fact that the very idea of Frodo not knowing Legolas' name seems completely bonkers. Who do you have to be to not at least once ask the name of the elf who swore to protect you with his life?
Or Frodo just has a bad memory for names – you'd be confused too if you had to remember at least five rather unusual names.
Strange as it may seem, this theory is confirmed more and more with every minute of the trilogy. Frodo literally never calls Legolas by name in all three movies, and when he comes to his senses after the destruction of the Ring and all the members of the Fellowship come to his room, it's confirmed once again.
Frodo says the names of each member of the Fellowship of the Ring in slow motion. But when Legolas appeared, the Hobbit just lay there awkwardly smiling at him and saying a subtle "Oh!" before greeting Aragorn. Poor Legolas.
Reddit user Icy_Statement_2410 noticed a small detail that may mean Frodo did not know Legolas' name during the journey, but he certainly knew it when he wrote the book at the end.
In the image, you can see that Frodo wrote the word Legolas, and spelled it correctly. Although, who knows, maybe he had to check with Sam something like "What was that handsome elf guy name again?".
Source: Reddit