Love That Journey For You: Schitt's Creek's 5 Peak Character Development Scenes

There were so many obstacles on their way to becoming better versions of themselves, but they succeeded.
Schitt's Creek is definitely one of the most binge-worthy shows ever, and there are many reasons for that. The first is that it's a lot of fun to follow the lives of people who are put in totally unbearable situations and pushed out of their comfort zones.
But it's even more satisfying to see them finally break the chain of destructive events and come to terms with their new reality. And that's what happened to the show's main characters over the course of the series.
Starting out as terrible, self-centered, and rather unlikable people, the members of the Rose family and several other characters grew into brilliant human beings worth rooting for. So here are five highlight scenes that showcase perfect moments of character development.
David – Opening a Business And Staying In Schitt's Creek With Patrick
There's no doubt that David has remained a complicated and rather eccentric character who will still find it difficult to communicate with many other people, but to deny his personal growth would be a crime. One of the greatest things he has done is to open a business (which will end up being a huge success) without any help or even support.
Another thing that showed how much David had matured by the end of the series was his decision to stay in Schitt's Creek with Patrick instead of moving to New York. This decision shows that he has come to understand the true value of his life.
Alexis – Breaking Up With Ted
Now Alexis is considered to be the character who has shown the most personal growth throughout the series, and we agree. At the beginning of the show, she was completely self-centered and it seemed like there were no people she cared about but herself. But we also realized how lonely and unrealistic she was, surrounding herself with fake friends and boyfriends.
But when she met Ted, everything fell into place. She became a caring woman who began to see the true meaning of things. Yet the part of the story that shows her as an adult is when she makes the painful decision to break up with Ted after realizing that there's no way they can be together without one of them getting hurt.
Johnny – Standing Up for Schitt's Creek's Dignity
One of the highlights of the series is the season 2 finale. The episode features a dinner scene with the Roses, their friends from past life, and Roland with Jocelyn. It was an awkward sequence, actually, because for a while there, Johnny and Moira tried to pretend that they were okay and that their new life was actually fine.
However, when these "friends" started roasting the town where the Roses now live, Johnny had an outburst and finally stood up and made it clear that the only real people at the table were the good-hearted Ronald and Jocelyn, who shared everything they had with the Roses to make their lives bearable. And those who try to make fun of them are simply not worthy.
Stevie – Fighting her Fears And Playing Sally in Cabaret
Unlike the Roses, Stevie wasn't selfish and impossible to deal with, but she was still a wreck. An introvert with communication and attachment issues, she was lonely but never showed it, even to herself. Her friendship with David changed her completely, but there was another big thing that made us very proud of her.
Yes, of course it was her Cabaret performance. Surprisingly, it was Moira who encouraged her to be the lead in Cabaret, and her pep talk actually worked on Stevie. She was a success, and the fact that she finally got over her shyness tells us a lot about the strength of her personality.
“Getting through Chicago was a monumental turning point for her. Going out into the world trying to find herself and then realizing she wanted to be in the motel plans showed how far she's come,” one Reddit user said.
Moira – Showing Up At Alexis’ Graduation
Many viewers argue about whether Moira actually showed any character development, but we think it's just non-negotiable. Take, for example, her surprise appearance at Alexis' graduation party. She made it clear that she wasn't going to show up, and we believed her. And when we saw Alexis nervously looking for her in the crowd, it broke our hearts.
But Moira just has a different way of doing things: she does good unexpectedly and without focusing on it. And yet, appearing on stage is a very noticeable gesture.