Mandalorian Season 3 Fan Theory That Changes Everything If True

The third season of the Star Wars hit hasn't even hit our screens yet, but fans think it's already not what it seems.
In season 3 of The Mandalorian, Din Djarin is on his way to Mandalore to be forgiven for his transgressions, as the trailer has revealed to us. He will have to earn his forgiveness in a dangerous quest in the living waters of the Mandalorian mines.
Now, while many people believe that the Armorer has sent Din Djarin on this quest as a form of punishment, there is another theory with a slightly different take on things.
According to Redditor TheMediocreCritic, the Armorer is actually trying to make Din Djarin ruler of Mandalore, and the quest in the Living Waters may be part of the ritual that will make him worthy of the title.
"The living waters are a trial for Din to prove himself worthy of the Darksaber and of ruling. What if the Armorer's destiny was to find the next Savoir of Mandalore, thus saving her people," the Redditor said.
According to this theory, the Armorer may have more to her name than meets the eye.
If her name means that she is tasked with "providing [Mandalorians] with the knowledge and tools to save themselves from extinction," then Din Djarin's acquisition of the Darksaber could also mean that she has fulfilled her destiny.
So far, we have nothing to confirm or deny this theory. But we don't have to wait too long, because The Mandalorian season 3 premieres on Disney Plus on March 1st.