Miss 1899 And Dark? Their Creators Have Something Else Cooking Up For You

If you are still reeling from unexpected and swift cancellation of 1899 at Netflix earlier, this news might cheer you up.
Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese, the couple behind the iconic Dark series and abovementioned 1899, are reportedly ready to have us glued to the smalls screens again.
Bo Odar and Friese are to adapt for Netflix one of the most bestselling comic series of recent years. An ongoing run started in 2019, Something is Killing The Children has scored several major comic book awards and has sold more then 2 million copies worldwide.
The plot of the comic puts us in a town tormented by monsters who murder children. That is, until we meet an enigmatic woman named Erica Slaughter who does what she knows best – exterminate the monsters.
Bo Odar and Friese are no strangers when it comes to a small-town setting with weird things happening all around, with cult German series Dark in their portfolio.
Whatever form the expected Children series will take, it is definitely one to keep an eye on.
Something Is Killing The Children has once already been in development at Netflix prior to that by Mike Flanagan and Trevor Macy, both of whom have since moved over to Amazon leaving the comic book adaption hanging.
That is, until perhaps even more fitting people were found for the job. Dark is widely regarded as a sci-fi show as close to perfection as it gets, and there was massive backlash over Netflix cancelling 1899 after just one season.
As Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese have secured another project at Netflix, it seems the streaming giant has as much faith in it, as fans do.
The expectations are high for the series to receive the green light from Netflix and begin production sometime in foreseeable future.
But for now no release date, or any other details for that matter, for Something Is Killing The Children is known at the time.