Miss The Twilight Zone? Surprisingly, This Old-School Western Is a Perfect Replacement

They deal with the same things in the same way.
There is a special place in the world of television occupied by anthology series. The thing is, there's so much in them that makes you wonder what else they have in store for you. Anthology shows are not afraid to dive deep into the weirdness of the world, introducing the most bizarre stories and crossover plots, always keeping you on the edge of your seat for the next twist.
The Twilight Zone is among such shows, and it has even been dubbed legendary. It is a sci-fi gem that is everything a fan of the genre would want to see on screen. But not only science fiction makes a perfect anthology series: westerns are also good at creating a twisted story full of complexity.
The series that in many ways gives off The Twilight Zone vibes is Dead Man's Gun and hear us why. The 1997 series is one of a few that will blow your mind away with every episode, creating a hole in your heart that could only be filled with another crazy story.
There's an important idea at the heart of the series: somewhere, there's a gun that can affect your future. The cursed weapon is called the Dead Man's Gun for a reason. No one knows who the gun belongs to, but it passes from hand to hand, changing the lives of its new owners for better or worse.
Every episode of the show focuses on a particular character, a new owner of the gun. And depending on the person’s personality, he either can die from having the gun. Or to benefit in a way. But you never know until the end how things will go for the titular character. Only the final twist will…
One of the most mind-blowing things about the show is that it focuses on people so different you end up surprised with the choice almost every time. From failed showmen to con artists to cattle drivers-turned-gunfighters, Dead Man's Gun showcases each new concept easily, creating unique twists for each scenario.
The viewers quite quickly realized that the two named shows have many similarities, and not only in their desire to bring crazy stuff on TV.
“It's sort of a western Twilight Zone that follows a gun that's been "touched by evil," as it changes hands from episode to episode. It has potential. Like The Twilight Zone, it seems to go for the morality play,” Redditor Grand_Moff_Porkins said.
Dead Man's Gun is available to stream on Prime Video.