
No One Asked, But AI Imagined Shrek As An 80s Dark Fantasy Movie

No One Asked, But AI Imagined Shrek As An 80s Dark Fantasy Movie
Image credit: globallookpress/Concept IArt

This version of Shrek would haunt your dreams for a long time.

Shrek, that lovable ogre with layers (just like an onion), has been warming our hearts since 2001. The original Shrek movie became an instant classic, spawning sequels and winning over audiences of all ages.

Imagine blending the vibes of classics like Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal with the whimsy of Shrek's world. The result? Hold on tight because AI takes us on a wild ride again, imagining Shrek as a life-action movie in the 80s.

A YouTube user Concept IArt shared a video compilation of pictures generated with Midjourney AI, imagining Shrek as an 80s Dark Fantasy Movie.

The video gives an impression that this Shrek story would take on a darker tone, but still capture that sense of wonder and adventure that made 80s films so special.

In the video we see Shrek himself, Fiona, Donkey, Gingerbread Man, Puss in Boots, Lord Farquaad, Prince Charming, Fairy Godmother, and some others.

What's truly amazing is how the video seamlessly merges the iconic character designs from the original Shrek movies with the visual aesthetics of 80s dark fantasy cinema.

We're talking about mystery forests, mind-blowing creature designs, and an overall atmosphere that'll transport you back in time.

The visual landscape of this 80s dark fantasy remake of Shrek would be a nightmarish dreamscape. The vibrant and whimsical settings of the original film would be replaced with eerie forests, towering castles, and crumbling dungeons.

If such a remake was to be produced, the filmmakers would probably draw inspiration from the works of visionary directors like Guillermo del Toro and Jim Henson, crafting a world that is simultaneously enchanting and unsettling.

Even though it looks fun and appealing in some ways, Shrek somewhat resembles Yoda but in a larger and more horrifying form.

A realistic giant ogre wouldn't be as attractive as portrayed in the animated original movie, and that's essentially why Shrek could potentially fall short if it was remade as a live-action film.

As we explored in our top 5 animated movies that shouldn't have live-action adaptations, this aspect becomes evident.