TV Not Dead Yet

Not Dead Yet’s Season 2 Finale Just Restored Fans’ Hope in the Show

Not Dead Yet’s Season 2 Finale Just Restored Fans’ Hope in the Show
Image credit: ABC, Disney

Season 2 was a bit of a disappointment, but all it takes to win back the fans' love is a touching finale.

Not Dead Yet began as a high-quality soap opera. Although the topic of ghosts in TV series, even those not belonging to the horror genre, is not new, the writers of the show starring Gina Rodriguez managed to come up with a really catchy premise – the journalist starts writing obituaries and begins to see the ghosts of the people she writes about.

The first season immediately made thousands of viewers fall in love with the show. The fans praised Not Dead Yet for its light-hearted vibe, witty humor, and thought-out characters. Unfortunately, Not Dead Yet suffered the fate of many other shows – the second season clearly failed to live up to the high bar set by the first.

Not Dead Yet’s Season 2 Finale Became The Best Episode of The Whole Show

In the worst soap opera tradition, the characters' actions became unreasonable and the plot itself started to look more like a mess. It seemed that the second season completely disappointed most of the fans, but in the end, the writers prepared a pleasant surprise – the final episode was perhaps the best in both chapters of Not Dead Yet. This is confirmed by IMDb, where the final episode titled Not a Ghost Yet has a score of 8.6, which is the highest rating in the show's history.

“Why was the season finale so much better than the rest of the season? Why did it take them 9 episodes to find their footing? I laughed, I cried, I flashbacked to the latter half of season 1. I'm so sad that the potential was there all along and yet it took them forever to find it,” Reddit user Total-Meringue-5437 wrote.

And the final episode is deservedly praised – it has some of the most powerful and heartwarming storylines of both seasons of the show.

Not Dead Yet Finale Episode Recap

Not Dead Yet’s Season 2 Finale Just Restored Fans’ Hope in the Show - image 1

In episode 9, Duncan, Lexi's father, had a stroke, and of course he appeared to Nell as a ghost in episode 10. While Sam goes to the hospital to support Lexi, Nell, with the help of Duncan in ghost form, successfully passes the interview with Quentin.

At the hospital, Lexi tries to cope with her emotions by taking control of almost all hospital operations, while Edward remains suspiciously calm and does a crossword puzzle, which surprises Sam. In the end, however, it turns out that Edward's calm presence is the best support Lexi could have hoped for, which explains why they are so perfect together.

Nell persuades Duncan to go to the hospital to give Lexi words of encouragement in case the surgery fails. Nell convinces Lexi to talk to her as if she were her father, and we get Lexi's most touching speech – she admits that her father never saw her for who she really was and did not believe in her, thinking that the paper would die under her leadership within six months, but she managed to run it for several years until her father sold it without Lexi's knowledge.

Nell then shows Lexi that she has assembled a great team that has come to the hospital to support her. Duncan's surgery is successful, and he apparently does not remember his conversations with Nell in the form of a ghost.