TV The Sopranos

Of All The Sopranos' Violent Scenes, This Adriana Moment Hits So Much Harder

Of All The Sopranos' Violent Scenes, This Adriana Moment Hits So Much Harder
Image credit: HBO

Things like that can break you.

The Sopranos is the most iconic show about the life of mobsters, which grabs your attention from the first minute of the first episode and keeps you captive until the last shot of the series.

The show is raw, honest, violent to the core, and yet you feel the need to watch it and even try to understand the special code of Mafia life. But the deeper you go, the clearer you see that this code is something so horrible that you wish it never existed.

The Sopranos showed fans numerous brutal deaths, so we can't say we weren't ready to see some blood and chopped off heads in almost every episode. However, there was one particular death that even happened off-screen that was just too much.

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Yes, we are talking about the death of Adriana La Cerva, brilliantly played by Drea de Matteo, in season 5. Her life was not easy at all in that season because she was already an FBI informant, and mafia never leaves them alive, but she was naively hoping that it would actually help her and Chrissy survive everything and get out of the mob life.

Why The Off-Screen Murder?

Adriana's murder was one of the most powerful scenes in the show, even though viewers didn't see it all. The decision to keep it off camera was made by the creator, David Chase, as he shared in the interview with Entertainment Weekly that no one wanted to see Adriana dead.

The scene was just devastating enough without the blood and stuff, because it was the real element of ambiguity in there. When Tony called her and told her that Chrissy wanted to kill herself, he said that Silvio would come get her and take to the hospital.

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And for the first few moments, neither Adriana nor we thought that she had been betrayed and that her future was already set. Of course, they weren’t driving to the hospital, Silvio was taking her to the woods where he would shoot her.

For the audience, Adriana's fate in the show is especially unsettling because there is no sense of closure. She was exposed to her core, and was really forced to beg for life and was literally crawling on her knees in front of Silvio in a desperate attempt to escape.

Was There a Way To Save Adriana?

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From the moment Adriana started cooperating with the FBI we knew she was going to die sometime soon. But fans are sure there was a way to prevent that all from happening way before that all started.

“Yea, realistically maybe Chris should have sat down with her at some point and just let her know “hey, if you’re ever arrested by ANYBODY: Do NOT talk to them, say nothing. Believe NOTHING that they tell you or scare you with. Call me immediately after asking for a lawyer,” Redditor south_made7 said.

Unfortunately, that was never the case. Instead of trying to save his fiancée, Chris just ratted her out to Tony. And so we got what we got.

Do you think she had a chance to live?

Source: Entertainment Weekly