One Crazy Fear That Makes Robert Pattinson Push His Boundaries in Every Project

That’s what we call true dedication.
When you are a young actor just entering the captivating yet incredibly competitive and cruel world of the entertainment industry, you must be willing to push your own boundaries and do your best to succeed.
Even for those who were lucky enough to land their breakthrough roles earlier in their lives, the grind never stops.
Robert Pattinson 's legacy, for example, could have easily consisted of Twilight references forever. The fandom was so strong, and the franchise's influence on the vampire genre so great that it was almost impossible to escape type-casting. Pattinson, however, did.
Partly by being extremely outspoken about his own dislike of the franchise and a negative attitude towards the attention it brought to him, and partly by his refusal to take "easy roles." In every other film the actor got cast, he managed to surprise audiences with his versatility and determination.
It wasn't until the premiere and runaway success of The Batman that audiences were ready to accept the fact that there was no role Pattinson couldn't play. However, his motivation is surprising, as it comes from fear rather than some kind of bigger dream.
The actor shared his thoughts on what was key to his performance in an interview with Interview Magazine:
“I have a deep, deep fear of humiliation. <...> You can say it’s a sh#tty script or the director’s a d#ck or blah, blah, blah, but at the end of the day, no one’s going to care about the reasons. You’re the one who everyone’s going to say is lame. And the vast majority of people will say you’re lame even when you tried your best,” the actor said.
Right now, at the peak of his career, Pattinson stands taller than ever with all the opportunities in the world in front of him. All viewers have to do is wait and see which direction he takes, knowing that they're in for a great performance either way.
And if you don't want to wait and want to enjoy the actor's performance today, you can stream The Batman on Amazon Prime Video and Max.
Source: Interview Magazine