TV The Big Bang Theory Netflix

One TBBT Leonard's Storyline So Controversial It Bugs Fans To This Day

One TBBT Leonard's Storyline So Controversial It Bugs Fans To This Day
Image credit: CBS

He ended up being too kind for his own good.

Throughout the 12 seasons of The Big Bang Theory, several storylines made viewers raise their eyebrows — from a completely unrealistic career ladder to the many sexist jokes made by almost every character. However, one moment that has really stuck with fans has more to do with a serious issue than just another punchline that hasn't aged well.

One of the pivotal moments in the series finale for Leonard Hofstadter was when he repaired his relationship with his abusive mother. Many people cried tears of joy when they first saw the heartfelt moment, but looking back at it over the years, they are not sure it was the right thing to do.

Not only was Beverly Hofstadter constantly abusive to Leonard himself, putting her son down for no apparent reason, she did the same to his friends and the people around him.

Forgiving her and moving on is one thing, and that probably would have helped Leonard heal within himself. However, to forgive his mother, welcome her back into his life, and put all of his immediate contacts at risk of being verbally abused by this woman again is very selfish and short-sighted, fans believe.

People argue that no matter how Leonard really feels about the whole situation, he should have cut off contact with Beverly, pushing her out of his life altogether.

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The trope of someone making peace with their past and granting forgiveness is not uncommon on television, but it should only be used when a character deserves to be forgiven, and when they sincerely regret doing wrong to others in the past.

Showing that a character is strong enough to extend kindness to others against all odds is important to build them up for something more. But to show Leonard's personal growth and give him a perfect finale, fans believe the writers should have freed him from the burden of his mother's critical attitudes forever.

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Whether you think Leonard should've cut Beverly off from his personal life, or you think he did the right thing by trying to work out this relationship, chances are you still enjoyed The Big Bang Theory finale just as much as the rest of the show. If you're feeling nostalgic and want to give it another go, you can stream all the seasons on Netflix or MAX.

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