Only 3 Old-Time Westerns on Max Have 100% on Rotten Tomatoes

Right time to check out the real gems.
Western movie genre is definitely becoming more and more popular with each day, after a short-time phase of being everybody’s second choice. But there were times when they were considered the most influential movies of all.
What do we love about westerns? Well, there’s definitely the visuals: no other genre will give you that much perfect landscapes and all the aesthetics western has. But more importantly, what's turning the viewers into fans is the rich characters and high-stakes stories.
Here we have the best old-school westerns you can now stream on Max.
1. The Gold Rush (1925)
This nearly 100-year-old film is still remembered by audiences as one of Charlie Chaplin's finest works. Fun fact: the actor always said it was the movie he wanted to be remembered for.
As the story unfolds, we realize that Chaplin plays the role of a lone prospector who goes to the Klondike during the 1890s gold rush. His only dream is to become rich, but instead he finds love and happiness with a beautiful girl. It's amazing how a silent movie can tell such a deep and profound story. And of course, Chaplin's comedy is at its best.
2. Stagecoach (1939)
Those who know anything about the genre are familiar with one of the industry's most powerful tandems: John Ford and John Wayne. The two of them turned the Western into a legendary genre, although Ford's approach can be questionable at times.
Stagecoach is a groundbreaking movie that follows a group of eclectic strangers riding a stagecoach through Apache territory. And although it has some problematic themes, it is still considered a must-see for those who love Westerns.
3. The Shooting (1966)
Monte Hellman's The Shooting is another perfectly rated Western that you must see. Starring Jack Nicholson, who wasn't the most popular actor at the time, but made a statement with his performance in this groundbreaking movie.
At the center of the action-packed movie there are two miners who accidentally have agreed to help a young woman get into a nearby town. However, they will soon regret their decision...