
Real Reason Behind That Meme Indiana Jones Scene Couldn't Be Funnier

Real Reason Behind That Meme Indiana Jones Scene Couldn't Be Funnier
Image credit: Legion-Media

It's common knowledge that improvised moments in movies often result in the most memorable and amazing scenes, but it's not that common that it happens just because the star needs to hit the bathroom.

1981's Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark is a legendary movie in itself, and there are too many reasons for that.

Harrison Ford did a fantastic job of portraying Indiana, and there's no wonder the movie came out so great with him as the lead and Steven Spielberg as the director.

But little to no people know just how ridiculous the story behind one of the most iconic scenes in The Raiders of the Lost Ark was.

You definitely saw this moment in memes even if you haven't watched the movie itself: it's hilarious in its own right, but only becomes better when you learn what really took place on the set back then.

Harrison's Indiana was never supposed to shoot the sword master: they were written to have an epic fight, the master's sword against Indiana's whip.

The stuntman was training for months for just this one scene, and we can't possibly imagine his feelings when he heard that the plan changed due to Ford having a personal… issue.

"I was suffering from dysentery, really, [and] found it inconvenient to be out of my trailer for more than 10 minutes at a time. <...> Both Steve and I realized it would take two or three days to shoot this," explained Harrison.

He was very much not ready to take on such a long scene, and this also was the last shooting in Tunisia before they were supposed to fly back to England.

To avoid dealing with this impossible timing, Ford started brainstorming a way around it — until a brilliant idea came to him.

"When I got to set, I proposed to Steven that we just shoot the son a bi**h, and Steve said, 'I was thinking that as well,'" said the actor.

The end result quickly became iconic: the audience found this bit hilarious, and decades later, when the Internet took over the world, the scene with Indiana casually gunning down a sword master turned into a meme.

This effect definitely wouldn't have been achieved if not for Harrison's diarrhea and the sudden change of plans.