Reddit Theory Might Have Uncovered Who Grey's Anatomy's Lucas' Mom Is

As season 19 of Grey's Anatomy gets underway, fans have been introduced to a whole new group of interns. Among the fresh new characters is Lucas Adams, the most fascinating to fans because of his link to some of the most renowned doctors to ever walk the hospital.
In a conversation with Meredith whilst watching Lucas in the operating room, Amelia describes him as Derek's favorite nephew but voices her concerns about his character and his need to do things his way.
Meredith assures her that he will be fine, after all, he has a stroke of the family genius.
The family genius?
Fans have gone crazy over the revelation that Lucas Adams is somehow part of the Shepherd family, and with the little information the show has given them so far, have taken to Reddit to try and find out exactly who his mother is. This hasn't been an easy task, as fans know by now that the writers of Grey's Anatomy never give away too much at once.
On their mission to find out the identity of Lucas' mother, fans have made some substantial progress. What they know so far is that going back to the early days of the series, it was revealed that Derek had four sisters including Amelia. Being his aunt, Amelia is ruled out as Lucas' mother, which leaves three possible options: Nancy, Kathleen, and Liz.
Fans have speculated that the most likely to be his mother would be Nancy, as she is the oldest sister, and most likely to have an adult son.
She also has a career in medicine, and Lucas has been described as determined to prove himself as a doctor, like his family members before him. Besides Amelia and the late Derek being doctors, Lucas having Nancy as a mother would be a good motivation, and she could have pushed him to pursue medicine.
Another clue fans have pointed out is that Nancy is from Connecticut, and so is Lucas, which would tie the two together.
The other two sisters, Kathleen and Liz, have had minimal features on the show. Kathleen was mentioned in seasons 3 and 9 and made an appearance in season 15. She is a psychiatrist and Meredith once described her as a "good mom".
Liz featured on the show in season 9 after the plane crash to fix Derek's hand through nerve donation. She is also a doctor and she has children, but that's pretty much all fans know about her character. In real life, the actress who plays Liz has recently dropped out of the movie Scream 6. Some fans theorize that this may have freed up her schedule to feature in Grey's Anatomy as Lucas's mother.