TV Sex and the City

Samantha Jones Is The Best Sex And The City Character: Here's Proof

Samantha Jones Is The Best Sex And The City Character: Here's Proof
Image credit: Legion-Media

There is nothing more attractive than a woman who knows her worth.

Sex and the City is actually a show that can easily be called a true cultural phenomenon. The number of women who have grown up following the rules of the iconic show is actually uncountable.

And there is hardly anyone among the viewers who has never compared herself to one of the main characters.

The show tells us many stories about four leading characters: Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda. They are best friends, although they are all very different from each other. They all have their unique personalities, which include many qualities as well as many flaws.

Even though the show mainly focuses on Carrie, she would hardly win the award for best character. The one who really deserves that status is Samantha Jones. We got proof.

Well, the first thing we have to appreciate about her is actually the way she treated her friends. She was always honest with them, and never lied to their faces even if what she told them was brutal.

She came to the rescue of each of them when they needed it.

For example, she babysat Miranda's baby to give her a self-care day, she defended Charlotte at the baby shower, and no one can count just how many times she showed up for Carrie!

But her attitude towards her friends is not the only thing that makes her the best. The first thing that defines her as a person is the way she treats herself.

Samantha is a role model for those who want to learn how to put themselves first and love who they are.

She lives her life by her own rules and never lets society judge her or her beliefs. She is open about her sexuality, she is against age shaming, she always calls out those with double standards.

Frankly, Samantha's character seems to be the kind of woman everyone tries to become.

Even when life hits her hard, she always finds ways to turn the tables. And that's something to be inspired by.