Movies Doctor Strange Secret Wars The MCU

'Secret Wars' Coming To The MCU Is Not A Joke, And Fans Have An Idea When To Expect It

'Secret Wars' Coming To The MCU Is Not A Joke, And Fans Have An Idea When To Expect It
Image credit: Marvel Studios

Since the release of 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness', many fans have been convinced that the grand Marvel Comics event known as Secret Wars is definitely coming to the MCU, and the recent confirmation from an industry insider only proves their assumption further.

The original Secret Wars crossover took place in 2015 and was written by famed author Jonathan Hickman. This world-changing event brought together multiple alternate worlds (including Earth-616 and the Ultimate Universe) into one huge battle, with thousands of heroes and villains fighting for victory in their respected universes. Yes, it is huge, and since Reed Richards and Doctor Doom are at the center of the whole affair, the MCU needs to properly introduce both of these complex characters before launching into the event itself.

The whole set-up does sound like a huge undertaking, with multiple films and series needed to prepare the MCU for a crossover of this epic scale. Feige and Co. need to introduce more characters to make the crowded event really work. One insider, however, reported some rather surprising news – apparently Marvel Studios is ready to launch 'Secret Wars' as early as 2026.

Fans are clearly shocked by this statement, accusing the insider of making it all up.

Many fans of the original comics argue that it is almost impossible to set up 'Secret Wars' in just four years because of the sheer scale of the events presented in the crossover.

The official 'Secret Wars' announcement has not yet been released by Feige and Marvel.