Silo Fans, You’ll Love This Stephen King Movie With Rebecca Ferguson as Villain

The movie’s extremely violent plot line hit the actress like nothing else before.
It’s time for Silo ’s fans to say a temporary goodbye to the show since its second season has recently come to its end. Yet, those who enjoy Rebecca Ferguson-led flicks and series might consider this forgotten and pretty much underrated horror for their next watch.
Though the film’s plot revolves around another character, Ferguson’s role in there may seem way more disturbing and even grander than it’s supposed to be — and the deeds of her heroine had a long-lasting impact on the actress herself.
The Silo Star Truly Shined in Mike Flanagan ’s Horror
The movie in question is Mike Flanagan’s Doctor Sleep, which is a sequel for Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining — probably the most famous adaptation of a novel by Stephen King who repeatedly expressed his dislike towards the original film over the years.
However, the author is on good terms with Flanagan, whose flick stars Rebecca Ferguson as Rose the Hat, a relentless leader of a group of mentally unstable vampires called The True Knot. Together they track down those who have the Shining, especially children since at the young age their abilities are stronger than ever.
Her character was a brutal killer who never has any good feeling for anyone, and Ferguson considered Doctor Sleep her most difficult project to-date.
In her interview to The Wrap, the actress recalled that she’d never “gone into a character in a way that has been difficult or hard. I’ve wanted to, it’s been sort of what I’m searching towards. [Then I heard] Action!… And I hear the scream. And I’m not kidding you, I just freeze, and I start crying.”
Though they do seem to be projects from completely different cinematic fields, Doctor Sleep and Ferguson’s latest hit show Silo still have one big thing in common — they both come as adaptations of the stories that haven’t received the public recognition that they deserve.
At the time of its release, Doctor Sleep turned out to be quite a disappointment for The Shining’s fans since the story was now focused on a completely different character — yet, after all, it stays unclear what exactly they expected to see after Jack Nicholson’s Jack Torrance was gone at the end of the original movie.
Apple TV ’s Silo is also a story based on Hugh Howey’s trilogy of novels that came to the screen roughly 10 years after the first book was published — yet, despite the fact that the show itself is one of the biggest hits on the platform, the original source sadly has never come close to its TV version’s fame.