
Simon Pegg Begs to Never Revive This 92% Rated Iconic Zombie Comedy from 2000s

Simon Pegg Begs to Never Revive This 92% Rated Iconic Zombie Comedy from 2000s
Image credit: Legion-Media

Some things don’t need to be brought back.

While there has been much debate about whether we need so many reboots and remakes of famous movies, the industry keeps coming up with more. They may cause backlash, but because they are easy to produce and even easier to promote, the format is still desirable in the eyes of major studio executives.

The original creators behind the famous stories may have their personal objections. But once the rights have been transferred to the studio, all they can do is voice their concerns, as Simon Pegg does.

Is There Going to Be Shaun of the Dead Part 2?

Of course, every single creator puts a piece of their own mind and soul into every story they write, and screenwriters are no exception. The most sincere efforts usually end up being the best movies, and many of them are based on unique personal experiences.

Such is the case with Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright's Shaun of the Dead, which celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2024. The story of 30-something loser Shaun, who is suddenly faced with the power he's never seen before and must become a hero, touched the souls of many and continues to impress audiences to this day.

Simon Pegg Begs to Never Revive This 92% Rated Iconic Zombie Comedy from 2000s - image 1

Loving the attention the movie still gets, Pegg admits that he would have been furious if he'd known the movie was headed for any kind of remake or revival. Even a sequel is out of the question for now.

“Shaun of the Dead is incredibly personal. There’s so much of us in that film. <...> There’s so much of our own heart and soul in that film. If someone was to reboot it, it would be a cynical and exploitative exercise. I would hope that people are in love with our Shaun enough to resist a reboot,” he said to The Hollywood Reporter.

There are many ways to honor a beloved story, and there is no need to remake a film that is not only dear to many people in its own right, but has aged quite well and remains relevant. However, with all rights now transferred to Universal Pictures, Pegg can't completely rule out the possibility of a remake emerging one day.

Unfortunately, the original movie, which now sits at 92% on Rotten Tomatoes, is no longer available for streaming. However, if you are feeling nostalgic, you can still rent or buy Shaun of the Dead on Amazon Prime Video or Apple TV.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter